let textObject = new fabric.Text('Black & White',{
fontFamily: this.theme.font,
fontSize: this.theme.size,
textBaseline: 'bottom',
textBackgroundColor: '#000000',
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 100,
height: 40,
padding: 20,
fill: 'white',
我可以添加一个不间断的空间来实现相同的效果,但这似乎不是一个可靠的解决方案,我希望Fabric JS允许开箱即用。任何想法如何实现这一目标?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
案例1-多行文本中单个行的边框周围的填充。 该代码遵循CSS方法,其中空白位于框的外部,如红线所示,填充位于内部,如金色背景所示。在左图上,黑色文本背景是您从内置的“ textBackgroundColor”中获得的。黄色区域显示当前应用的填充。右图显示了当您调整填充颜色时的其他好处,同时还可以减少背景的不透明度,同时使文本保持完全不透明。
BTW的内置“ padding”属性与控制边框有关,但背景色填充不覆盖创建的空白。换句话说,它的工作方式类似于CSS边距,而不是CSS填充。
var canvas = window._canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
// function to do the drawing. Could easily be accomodated into a class (excluding the canvas reset!)
function reset(pos)
// Create the text node - note the position is (0, 0)
var text = new fabric.Text(pos.text, {
fontFamily: 'Arial',
left: 0,
top: 0,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "",
textBackgroundColor: '#000000'
// create the outer 'margin' rect, note the position is negatively offset for padding & margin
// and the width is sized from the dimensions of the text node plus 2 x (padding + margin).
var rectMargin = new fabric.Rect({
left: -1 * (pos.padding.left + pos.margin.left),
top: -1 * (pos.padding.top + pos.margin.top),
width: text.width + ((pos.padding.left + pos.padding.right) + (pos.margin.left + pos.margin.right)),
height: text.height + ((pos.padding.top + pos.padding.bottom) + (pos.margin.top + pos.margin.bottom)),
strokeWidth: pos.border,
stroke: 'red',
fill: 'transparent'
// create the inner 'padding' rect, note the position is offset for padding only
// and the width is sized from the dimensions of the text node plus 2 x padding.
var rectPadding = new fabric.Rect({
width: text.width + (pos.padding.left + pos.padding.right),
height: text.height + (pos.padding.top + pos.padding.bottom),
left: -1 * pos.padding.left, top: -1 * pos.padding.top,
fill: 'gold'
// create group and add shapes to group, rect first so it is below text.
// note that as the group is oversized, we position it at pos - padding.
var group = new fabric.Group([ rectMargin, rectPadding, text ], {
left: pos.x - (pos.padding.left - pos.margin.left),
top: pos.y - (pos.padding.top - pos.margin.top),
angle: pos.angle,
// function to grab values from user inputs
function go()
var m = $('#margin').val().split(',');
var p = $('#padding').val().split(',');
for (var i = 0 ; i < 4; i = i + 1)
p[i] = parseInt(p[i], 10); // ensure we have numbers and not strings !
m[i] = parseInt(m[i], 10);
// Object holding position and content info
var pos = {x: 50, y : 10, text: 'Text with padding\nand another line',
padding: {top:p[0], right:p[1], bottom: p[2], left: p[3]}, margin: {top:m[0], right:m[1], bottom: m[2], left: m[3]}, border: 1, angle: 10};
// click handler for go button
$('#go').on('click', function(e){
// call go once to show on load
background-color: silver;
width: 600px;
height: 300px;
margin-right: 20px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/2.4.1/fabric.min.js"></script>
<span class='ipt'> Margin: <input id='margin' value = '12,10,12,10' /></span>
<span class='ipt'> Padding: <input id='padding' value = '0,5,0,5' /></span>
<span class='ipt'><button id='go' />Go</button></span>
<canvas id="c" width="600" height="300"></canvas>
var textIn = 'Text goat\nMillenium jam\nplumb\nBlack & White'
var canvas = window._canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
// function to do the drawing. Could easily be accomodated into a class (excluding the canvas reset!)
function reset(pos)
// Create the text measuring node - not added to the canvas !
var textMeasure = new fabric.IText(pos.text, {
fontFamily: 'Arial',
left: 0,
top: 0,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "",
textBackgroundColor: '#000000'
// loop round the lines in the text creating a margin/pad scenario for each line
var theText, text, textHeight, rectPadding, rectMargin, top = 0, shapes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < textMeasure._textLines.length; i = i + 1){
theText = textMeasure._textLines[i].join('');
textHeight = Math.floor(textMeasure.lineHeight * textMeasure.fontSize) //textMeasure.getHeightOfLine(i)
// Make the text node for line i
text = new fabric.IText(theText, {
fontFamily: 'Arial',
left: 0,
top: top,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: ""
// create the outer 'margin' rect, note the position is negatively offset for padding & margin
// and the width is sized from the dimensions of the text node plus 2 x (padding + margin).
rectMargin = new fabric.Rect({
left: -1 * (pos.padding.left + pos.margin.left),
top: top - (pos.padding.top + pos.margin.top),
width: text.width + ((pos.padding.left + pos.padding.right) + (pos.margin.left + pos.margin.right)),
height: textHeight + ((pos.padding.top + pos.padding.bottom) + (pos.margin.top + pos.margin.bottom)),
fill: 'transparent'
// create the inner 'padding' rect, note the position is offset for padding only
// and the width is sized from the dimensions of the text node plus 2 x padding.
rectPadding = new fabric.Rect({
width: text.width + (pos.padding.left + pos.padding.right),
height: textHeight + (pos.padding.top + pos.padding.bottom),
left: -1 * pos.padding.left,
top: top - pos.padding.top,
fill: '#000000ff'
// move the insert point down by the height of the line
var gap = 0; // text.lineHeight - textHeight;
top = top - 1 + textHeight + pos.padding.top + pos.margin.top + pos.padding.bottom + pos.margin.bottom;
// At this point we have a list of shapes to output in the shapes[] array.
// Create group and add the shapes to group.
// note that group is positioned so that the topleft of the first text line is where
// it would fall if it were a standard text node.
var group = new fabric.Group(shapes, {
left: pos.x - (pos.padding.left - pos.margin.left),
top: pos.y - (pos.padding.top - pos.margin.top),
angle: pos.angle,
// function to grab values from user inputs
function go()
var m = $('#margin').val().split(',');
var p = $('#padding').val().split(',');
for (var i = 0 ; i < 4; i = i + 1)
p[i] = parseInt(p[i], 10); // ensure we have numbers and not strings !
m[i] = parseInt(m[i], 10);
// Object holding position and content info
var pos = {x: 70, y : 10, text: textIn,
padding: {top:p[0], right:p[1], bottom: p[2], left: p[3]}, margin: {top:m[0], right:m[1], bottom: m[2], left: m[3]}, border: 1, angle: 10};
// click handler for go button
$('#go').on('click', function(e){
// call go once to show on load
background-color: silver;
width: 600px;
height: 100px;
margin-right: 20px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/2.4.1/fabric.min.js"></script>
<span class='ipt'> Margin: <input id='margin' value = '0,0,0,0' /></span>
<span class='ipt'> Padding: <input id='padding' value = '5,15,5,15' /></span>
<span class='ipt'><button id='go' />Go</button></span>
<canvas id="c" width="600" height="300"></canvas>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
var TextboxWithPadding = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Textbox, {
_renderBackground: function(ctx) {
if (!this.backgroundColor) {
var dim = this._getNonTransformedDimensions();
ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
-dim.x / 2 - this.padding,
-dim.y / 2 - this.padding,
dim.x + this.padding * 2,
dim.y + this.padding * 2
// if there is background color no other shadows
// should be casted