在业余时间,我通常阅读在线Webnovels,并且阅读了很多,甚至跟随数十个定期更新。在比利时,移动数据非常昂贵,因此我们获得的数据几乎不足,因此我决定在Python 3上编写一个程序,仅下载某本小说的指定章节,然后将其手动转移到手机上以进行阅读。注意:我的程序很可能很混乱且效率低下,并且它可能在失败的地方有很多实例,因为我对python有基本的了解,而对html则是零。通过在此站点上四处搜索,还复制了一半代码。
我输入一个包含所有章节(like this)的目录的URL,程序将搜索每个标签和数据(通过使用“ def handle_starttag”和“ handle_data”来查找指向指定章节的超链接,然后下载)包含这些章节的页面并将其保存在目录中。
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import os
all_chapter_and_html_id = []
failed_to_download = []
chapter_start = int(input("verify start chapter: "))
chapter_end = int(input("verify end chapter: "))
index_url = str(input("verify the url that contains index: ")).replace(" ", "")
class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# Only parse the 'anchor' tag.
if tag == "a":
# Check the list of defined attributes.
for name, value in attrs:
if name == "href": # and ".html" in value
# print("attrs are: ", attrs)
self.html_id = value
def handle_data(self, data):
#check if the data containst the word chapter
if "Chapter" in data:
index = len("chapter")
#find where it says the chapter number add to list
for i in data[index:-1]:
if i in "0123456789" and data[index+1] == " ": # eg: chapter 145 "some text about chapter name"
all_chapter_and_html_id.append((data[len("Chapter") + 1: index+1], self.html_id))
index += 1
def req(url):
request = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
return urlopen(request).read()
def director():
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if not os.path.exists(dir_path +"\\" + name_website(index_url)):
os.makedirs(dir_path +"\\" + name_website(index_url))
def name_website(url):
c = 0
while c < len(url):
if url[c] == "/" and url[c+1] == "/":
return (url[c+2:].replace("/", ""))
c += 1
def download():
parser = MyHTMLParser()
for single in all_chapter_and_html_id:
if int(single[0]) in range(chapter_start, chapter_end + 1):
with open(name_website(index_url)+"\\chapter " + str(single[0]) + ".html", "wb") as file:
file.write(req(index_url + single[1]))
print("Downloaded chapter " + str(single[0]))
failed_to_download.append("chapter "+ single[0])
print("-"*25 +"\n Failed to download chapter ", single[0], "\n" + "*"*25)
if len(failed_to_download) != 0:
print("*" * 40 + "\nFailed to download next chapters: \n" + "\n".join(failed_to_download) + "\n" + "*"*40)
print("\n"*10 + "*" * 40 + "\nSuccessfully downloaded all chapters" + "\n" +"*" *40)