from slackclient import SlackClient
import os
webhook_url = "a webhook url"
def post_message_channel(text, token, channel, is_name):
Creates an api call to post to a message to specific channel (private or
public)and returns the JSON object that is returned by the slack api call.
:param text: The message to post the slack channel.
:param token: The slack app token to identify the sender.
:param title: The title of the message being sent.
:param channel: The channel to post the message to.
:param is_name: If true, then the channel param holds a name, else it holds a channel id
:return: The JSON object that the slack api responds with.
if is_name:
formatted_channel = "#" + channel
formatted_channel = channel
slack_client = SlackClient(token)
output_json = slack_client.api_call(
channels = formatted_channel,
text = text,
as_user = 1
return output_json
def post_channel():
message = "This is a test for posting to a channel"
my_token = os.environ["SLACK_BOT_USER_TOKEN"]
print(post_message_channel(message, my_token, 'file_tracker_test', True))