使用CSOM将访问者,成员和所有者组关联到Sharepoint Online

时间:2018-10-18 14:43:01

标签: sharepoint-online csom


    for(var i = 0; i < GroupInfo.length; i++) {

        var siteUrl = url + projektinfo.Sitecollection + "/" + projektinfo.Projektnummer;

        var currentCTX= new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl); 

        var currentWEB = currentCTX.get_web();

         //Get all groups in site
        var groupCollection = currentWEB.get_siteGroups();

        // Create Group information for a Group
        var membersGRP = new SP.GroupCreationInformation();

        membersGRP.set_title(GroupInfo[i].GroupName + projektinfo.Projektnamn);


        //add  group
        oMembersGRP = currentWEB.get_siteGroups().add(membersGRP);

        //Get Role Definition by name (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj246687.aspx)
        //return SP.RoleDefinition object

        var rdContribute = currentWEB.get_roleDefinitions().getByName(GroupInfo[i].RoleName);

        //Create a new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection.
        var collContribute = SP.RoleDefinitionBindingCollection.newObject(currentCTX);

        // Add the role to the collection.

        // Get the RoleAssignmentCollection for the target web.
        var assignments = currentWEB.get_roleAssignments();

        // assign the group to the new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection.
        var roleAssignmentContribute = assignments.add(oMembersGRP, collContribute);

        counterRole = counterRole +1;

        currentCTX.executeQueryAsync(QuerySuccess(counterRole), QueryFailure);     

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