JavaFX11和带有JDK11的Intellij Ult-HelloWorld无法运行...错误:缺少JavaFX运行时组件

时间:2018-10-18 08:25:33

标签: intellij-idea javafx

我见过this advice,但仍然遇到问题。 点4是模棱两可的。是在一行上还是在另一行上,我看到another place对该行的格式进行了不同的设置。

没有,我将无法运行Hello World:

'Version 1: using single argument GroupNumber Option Explicit '************************************************************************ Sub UpdateAllGroups() Dim StartTime As Double Dim MinutesElapsed As String StartTime = Timer Call UpdateGroup(1) Call UpdateGroup(2) MinutesElapsed = Format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss") MsgBox "All Updates is done in " & MinutesElapsed, vbInformation, "Message" End Sub '************************************************************************ Private Sub UpdateGroup(ByVal GroupNumber As Long) 'DEFINITIONS Dim fPath, ThisGroupWb, ReportR2ob, ReportR1vo, ReportR2vo As String Dim WbReport, WbGroup As Workbook Dim sh_Dash, sh_NewR2ob, sh_NewR1vo, sh_NewR2vo, sh_Time As Worksheet fPath = ThisWorkbook.Path If Right(fPath, 1) = "\" Then fPath = Left(fPath, Len(fPath) - 1) End If 'Note that path is composed using supplied argument: Set WbGroup = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Group" & GroupNumber & "_(M).xlsm") With WbGroup Set sh_Dash = .Worksheets("Dash") Set sh_NewR2ob = .Worksheets("NewR2ob") Set sh_NewR1vo = .Worksheets("NewR1vo") Set sh_NewR2vo = .Worksheets("NewR2vo") Set sh_Time = .Worksheets("Time") End With 'Same here: ThisGroupWb = "Group" & GroupNumber & "_(M).xlsm" 'must be changed in each UpdateGroup-sub ReportR2ob = "R2ob - Group" & GroupNumber & ".xls" 'must be changed in each UpdateGroup-sub ReportR1vo = "R1vo - Group" & GroupNumber & ".xls" 'must be changed in each UpdateGroup-sub ReportR2vo = "R2vo - Group" & GroupNumber & ".xls" 'must be changed in each UpdateGroup-sub 'NEW REPORTS Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set WbReport = Workbooks.Open(fPath & "\R2ob\" & ReportR2ob) WbReport.Sheets(1).Cells.Copy sh_NewR2ob.Range("A1") WbReport.Close False Set WbReport = Workbooks.Open(fPath & "\R1vo\" & ReportR1vo) WbReport.Sheets(1).Cells.Copy sh_NewR2vo.Range("A1") WbReport.Close False Set WbReport = Workbooks.Open(fPath & "\R2vo\" & ReportR2vo) WbReport.Sheets(1).Cells.Copy sh_NewR1vo.Range("A1") WbReport.Close False 'STORE AND CLOSE GROUP-WB Application.Goto sh_Dash.Range("A1"), True WbGroup.Save WbGroup.Close False End Sub

如果有人可以说明如何配置JFX11,那么我对这个IDE和Java还是陌生的,我敢肯定我不会是最后一个得到帮助的人。 tku

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