
时间:2018-10-17 14:52:56

标签: python json pandas dataframe


[{patient_0_order: 1234,
   patient_0_id: a1,
   patient_0_time: 01/01/2016,
   patient_0_desc: xyz,
   patient_1_order: 2313,
   patient_1_id: b1,
   patient_1_time: 02/01/2016,
   patient_1_desc: def,
   patient_2_order: 9876,
   patient_2_id: c1,
   patient_2_time: 03/01/2016,
   patient_2_desc: ghi,
   patient_3_order: 0075,
   patient_3_id: d1,
   patient_3_time: 04/01/2016,
   patient_3_desc: klm,
   patient_4_order: 6268,
   patient_4_id: e1,
   patient_4_time: 05/01/2016,
   patient_4_desc: pqr}`]


       patient_order    patient_id       patient_time    patient_desc 
  0      1234                a1          01/01/2016        xyz
  1      2313                b1          02/01/2016        def
  2      9876                c1          03/01/2016        ghi
  3      0075                d1          04/01/2016        klm
  4      6268                e1          05/01/2016        pqr 

我尝试使用pandas.DataFrame(list),它给了我一个1行* 20列表的数据帧,这不是我想要的。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


old_dict = json.loads('YOUR JSON STRING')[0]
col_names = ['order', 'id', 'time', 'desc']
# Reorganize the dictionary.
new_dict = {col: {k: v for k, v in old_dict.iteritems() if col in k} for col in col_names}
df = pd.DataFrame(new_dict)


答案 1 :(得分:1)


original = [{"patient_0_order": 1234, "patient_0_id": 123, "patient_1_id": 12, "patient_1_order": 1255}]
original = original[0]

elems = []

current_patient = 0
current_d = {}
total_elems = len(original.keys())

for index, i in enumerate(sorted(original.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[1]))):
   key_details = i.split("_")
   # This will be used in the dataframe as a column name
   key_name = key_details[2]
   # The number specific to this patient
   patient_num = int(key_details[1])
   # Checking if we're still on the same patient
   if patient_num == current_patient:
      current_d[key_name] = original[i]
   # Checks if this is the last element
   if index == total_elems-1:
   # Checks if we've moved on to the next patient and moves on accordingly
   if patient_num != current_patient:
      # Starting off the new dictionary for this patient with the current key
      current_d = {key_name: original[i]}
      current_patient = patient_num

df = pd.DataFrame(elems)
