
时间:2018-10-17 12:01:40

标签: c# winforms checkbox treeview

我在Map上有一个Form控件。地图控件包含一个图层集合,每个图层都有一个“ IsVisible”来隐藏或显示该图层。




private void LayerTreeView_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
    if (e.Node.Parent == null) //if it's a parent node, make any children nodes match its checked state
        foreach (TreeNode node in e.Node.Nodes)
            node.Checked = e.Node.Checked;
            Map.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate () { Map.FindFeatureLayer(node.Name).IsVisible = node.Checked; });
    else //it's a child node
        Map.FindFeatureLayer(e.Node.Name).IsVisible = e.Node.Checked;
    Map.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate () { Map.Refresh(); }); //culprit is here


在调用Map.Refresh()之前,这些节点不会进行明显的更新,对于已更改其检查状态的每个节点都将调用该节点。这导致延迟。我需要立即更新节点。 Map控件的更新是否滞后并不重要,但这不应该相反。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




window.onload = function() {
  var startPos;
  navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(function(position) {
  startPos = position;
  document.getElementById('startLat').innerHTML = startPos.coords.latitude;
  document.getElementById('startLon').innerHTML = startPos.coords.longitude;

  var a =  { lat: 40.6, lng: -70.4 }

  var b = { lat: startPos.coords.latitude, lon: startPos.coords.longitude }

  zone = haversineDistance(a,b);
  document.getElementById('zone').innerHTML = zone;

  if(zone < 50){
    document.getElementById('inout').innerHTML = 'IN';
    document.getElementById('inout').innerHTML = 'OUT';


var atan2 = Math.atan2
var cos = Math.cos
var sin = Math.sin
var sqrt = Math.sqrt
var PI = Math.PI

// (mean) radius of Earth (meters)
var R = 6378137

function squared (x) { return x * x }
function toRad (x) { return x * PI / 180.0 }

function haversineDistance (a, b) {
var aLat = a.latitude || a.lat
var bLat = b.latitude || b.lat
var aLng = a.longitude || a.lng || a.lon
var bLng = b.longitude || b.lng || b.lon

var dLat = toRad(bLat - aLat)
var dLon = toRad(bLng - aLng)

var f = squared(sin(dLat / 2.0)) + cos(toRad(aLat)) * cos(toRad(bLat)) * squared(sin(dLon / 2.0))
var c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(f), sqrt(1 - f))

return R * c


Setting the TreeNode.Checked property from within the BeforeCheck or AfterCheck event
causes the event to be raised multiple times and can result in unexpected behavior. For
example, you might set the Checked property in the event handler when you are
recursively updating the child nodes so that the user does not have to expand and check
each one individually. To prevent the event from being raised multiple times, add logic
to your event handler that only executes your recursive code if the Action property of
the TreeViewEventArgs is not set to TreeViewAction.Unknown. For an example of how to do
this, see the Example section of the AfterCheck or BeforeCheck events.
