
时间:2018-10-16 19:31:47

标签: python numpy opencv anaconda jupyter-notebook

我尝试在Windows 10的Anaconda上安装OpenCV。
I followed this tutorial to install OpenCV on Anaconda using Anaconda prompt.

I downloaded the opencv file from this link, as mentioned in the tutorial. I selected cp36 because the python version on anaconda is 3.6.5 (As told in the tutorial that cpnumber should be selected based on the python version)

Picture of the site and I've highlighted the file that I downloaded.

Pasted the downloaded file inside Anaconda 3 folder.


cd anaconda3


conda create --name deeplearning python

Here is a picture of my Anaconda prompt after the following above commands.
直到这里,一切正常。然后,我打开了Anaconda,并在“环境”中选择了“ deeplearning”。当我单击左侧的HOME时,我可以选择安装所有内容。我刚刚安装了Jupyter笔记本,现在已经安装了,我可以看到启动它的选项。
deeplearning set as the environment path.
我不明白,因为我已经为Deeplearninge环境安装了jupyter笔记本,所以应该在右侧显示numpy和pandas。但是我在那里搜索,找不到它们。为什么会这样呢? 在本教程中,激活深度学习环境后,我必须输入此代码-

pip install HP\anaconda3\opencv_python-3.4.3-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

我不确定是否在正确的位置放置了HP \ anaconda3 ..,就像在教程中一样,他的文件位置是C:\ anaconda3 ..,所以我尝试了很多位置,但是在所有这些位置都有错误- 此平台不支持opencv_python-3.4.3-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl。

Here is the picture of errors that popped up when I typed the above command.

Version and path details. Also numpy couldn't be imported in "deeplearning" environment.

基本上我的怀疑是- 1-在此安装过程中我哪里出错了?我要在最后一步中放置正确的文件位置吗? 2-我创建了这个“ deeplearning”环境,因为在教程中已经提到了它,而我却位于根目录中。那么,创建在anaconda上安装opencv所需的环境是否必要? 3-当我为深度学习环境再次安装了jupyter笔记本时,然后在包装中,为什么找不到numpy和pandas?我需要再次安装它们吗? (从根本上讲,它们已经存在,但不在深度学习环境中)

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