| primary class | subclass | x0 | ... | xn |
| a | 0 | x00 | ... | x0n |
| a | 1 | x10 | ... | x1n |
| a | 2 | x20 | ... | x2n |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| a | 0 | xm0 | ... | xmn |
| primary class | subclass | x0 | ... | xn |
| b | 0 | x00 | ... | x0n |
| b | 1 | x10 | ... | x1n |
| b | 2 | x20 | ... | x2n |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| b | 2 | xk0 | ... | xkn |
数据分为源和目标。该网络应该学习一种地图,以使 source 分布与 target 分布相似。目前,我的成本函数未考虑主要类别中的子类别。我想让它做到这一点。当前费用如下所示:
def cost(y_true, y_pred):
# create a random sample of the target data
sample = K.cast(K.round(K.random_uniform_varable(shape=tuple([target_sample_size]), low=0, high=target_train_size-1)), 'int32')
# get the sample from the target training data
target_sample = K.gather(target_train, sample)
# the loss is a distance metric between the output of the net
# from that batch and the sample we got from the target
loss = distance(net_output_layer, target_sample)
return loss
def cost(y_true, y_pred):
# create a random sample of the target data
sample = K.cast(K.round(K.random_uniform_varable(shape=tuple([target_sample_size]), low=0, high=target_train_size-1)), 'int32')
# get the sample from the target training data
target_sample = K.gather(target_train, sample)
# split the target sample based on the subclasses
# how can this be done?
target_0 = ???
target_1 = ???
target_2 = ???
# split the source mini batch based on the subclasses
# how can this be done?
source_0 = ???
source_1 = ???
source_2 = ???
# the loss is the sum of the distances bewteen the subclasses
loss = distance(source_0, target_0) + distance(source_1, target_1) + distance(source_2, target_2)
return loss