
时间:2018-10-15 10:23:43

标签: typescript typescript3.0

我正在尝试创建类型映射器NewRecord<T>,该类型映射器将从id中剥离<T>类型。 我就是这样的:

type NewRecord<T> = {
  [P in Exclude<keyof T, 'id'>]: T[P]


interface IRecord {
  id: number

interface IBotRecord extends IRecord {
  isBot: true
  cpuCores: 4

interface IHumanRecord extends IRecord {
  isBot: false
  isHungry: true

type ICreature = IHumanRecord | IBotRecord

type INewBotRecord = NewRecord<IBotRecord>
type INewHumanRecord = NewRecord<IHumanRecord>
type INewCreature = NewRecord<ICreature>

const newHuman:INewHumanRecord = {
  isBot: false,
  isHungry: true // works!

const newCreature:INewCreature = {
  isBot: false,
  isHungry: true // does not exist in type NewRecord<ICreature>



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


在这种情况下,条件类型中的条件可以只是extends any,我们不在乎条件部分,我们只在乎条件类型的分布行为:

type NewRecord<T> = T extends any ? {
    [P in Exclude<keyof T, 'id'>]: T[P]
} : never

type INewCreature = NewRecord<ICreature>
// The above type is equivalent to
type INewCreature = {
    isBot: false;
    isHungry: true;
} | {
    isBot: true;
    cpuCores: 4;
const newCreature:INewCreature = {
  isBot: false,
  isHungry: true // works fine