我如何做到这一点,以便该程序提示用户再次播放? 我猜我需要做一个do-while循环,如果重复'Y',如果'N'exit.program。但是,我不确定如何。我在这里看到了其他类似的问题,但都是专门针对其代码完成的。我还很新,所以我不确定如何将其翻译成我自己的内容。
公共类Project3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Random Number Generator
Random random = new Random();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int user, jerkAi;
//prompts user for input
System.out.println("Hello, you're probably here because you have no friends. \nThus you have no one to play " +
"Rock, Paper, Scissors with.\nSo I'm here to play with you...maybe not be your friend, but I'll play \n\n" +
"Please Enter a Move: (1 = Rock; 2 = Paper; 3 = Scissors):");
//stores input
user = scanner.nextInt();
//checks for user error
if (user < 1 || user > 3) {
System.out.println("Are you stupid? I literally told you what to enter. \n" +
"Sorry...this isn't gonna work out, good bye");
//Exits Program
jerkAi = random.nextInt(3);
//Checks if results are the same
if (user == jerkAi)
if (user == 1) {
System.out.println("Why would you pick Rock? That is what I picked...uhg...it's a tie.");
if (user == 2) {
System.out.println("Why would you pick Paper? That is what I picked...uhg...it's a tie.");
if (user == 3) {
System.out.println("Why would you pick Scissors? That is what I picked...uhg...it's a tie.");
//Exits Program
// 1 == Rock; User Picks Rock
if(user == 1)
if(jerkAi == 2)
System.out.println("Paper wraps Rock, better luck next time.");
System.out.println("Jerk AI wins the Match!");
System.out.println("Rock smashes the Scissors...Wow. Ok, you win, whatever.");
System.out.println("You Win!");
// 2 == Paper; User picks Paper
if(user == 2)
if(jerkAi == 1)
System.out.println("Paper wraps Rock...Wow. Ok, you win, whatever.");
System.out.println("You Win!");
System.out.println("Scissors cuts Paper, better luck next time.");
System.out.println("Jerk AI wins the Match!");
// 3 == Scissors; User picks Scissors
if(user == 3)
if(jerkAi == 1)
System.out.println("Rock smashes the Scissors, better luck next time.");
System.out.println("Jerk AI wins the Match!");
System.out.println("Scissors cuts Paper...Wow. Ok, you win, whatever.");
System.out.println("You Win!");