
时间:2018-10-14 15:19:06

标签: excel vba word-vba


Sub Separate()

 'Remember: this code requires a referece to the Word object model

 'dimension some local variables
Dim rng As Range 'our source range
Dim wdApp As New Word.Application 'a new instance of Word
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document 'our new Word document
Dim t As Word.Range 'the new table in Word as a range
Dim myWordFile As String 'path to Word template

 'initialize the Word template path
 'here, it's set to be in the same directory as our source workbook
myWordFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\DocWithTableStyle.dot"

 'get the range of the contiguous data from Cell A1
Set rng = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
 'you can do some pre-formatting with the range here
rng.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter 'center align the data
rng.Copy 'copy the range

 'open a new word document from the template
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add(myWordFile)

Set t = wdDoc.Content 'set the range in Word
t.Paste 'paste in the table
With t 'working with the table range
    .Style = "GreenBar" 'set the style created for the table
     'we can use the range object to do some more formatting
     'here, I'm matching the table with using the Excel range's properties
    .Tables(1).Columns.SetWidth (rng.Width / rng.Columns.Count), wdAdjustSameWidth
End With

 'until now the Word app has been a background process
wdApp.Visible = True
 'we could use the Word app object to finish off
 'you may also want to things like generate a filename and save the file

End Sub


Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
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在运行宏之前,请转到“ Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications”窗口


并检查“ Microsoft Word xx对象库”




SerializedObject serializedObject;

public void SetObject(MyObject obj) {
  serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj);

public override void OnDisplay() {
  accessType = serializedObject.FindProperty("accessType");
  key = serializedObject.FindProperty("key");
  value = serializedObject.FindProperty("value");

public override void OnGUI() {

  if (key.stringValue.Trim().Length > 0) {
    switch (valueType.enumNames[valueType.enumValueIndex]) {
      case "Integer":
        value.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(value.displayName, value.intValue);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Option Base 1 'Force arrays to start at 1 instead of 0

Sub ExcelTablesToWord()

'PURPOSE: Copy/Paste An Excel Table Into a New Word Document
'NOTE: Must have Word Object Library Active in Order to Run _
  (VBE > Tools > References > Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library)
'SOURCE: www.TheSpreadsheetGuru.com

Dim tbl As Excel.Range
Dim WordApp As Word.Application
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim WordTable As Word.Table
Dim TableArray As Variant
Dim BookmarkArray As Variant

'List of Table Names (To Copy)
  TableArray = Array("Table1", "Table2", "Table3", "Table4", "Table5")

'List of Word Document Bookmarks (To Paste To)
  BookmarkArray = Array("Bookmark1", "Bookmark2", "Bookmark3", "Bookmark4", "Bookmark5")

'Optimize Code
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Application.EnableEvents = False

'Set Variable Equal To Destination Word Document
  On Error GoTo WordDocNotFound
    Set WordApp = GetObject(class:="Word.Application")
    WordApp.Visible = True
    Set myDoc = WordApp.Documents("Excel Table Word Report.docx")
  On Error GoTo 0

'Loop Through and Copy/Paste Multiple Excel Tables
  For x = LBound(TableArray) To UBound(TableArray)

    'Copy Table Range from Excel
      Set tbl = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(x).ListObjects(TableArray(x)).Range

    'Paste Table into MS Word (using inserted Bookmarks -> ctrl+shift+F5)
      myDoc.Bookmarks(BookmarkArray(x)).Range.PasteExcelTable _
        LinkedToExcel:=False, _
        WordFormatting:=False, _

    'Autofit Table so it fits inside Word Document
      Set WordTable = myDoc.Tables(x)
      WordTable.AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow)

  Next x

'Completion Message
  MsgBox "Copy/Pasting Complete!", vbInformation
  GoTo EndRoutine

  MsgBox "Microsoft Word file 'Excel Table Word Report.docx' is not currently open, aborting.", 16

'Put Stuff Back The Way It Was Found
'Optimize Code
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Application.EnableEvents = True

'Clear The Clipboard
  Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub