
时间:2018-10-14 05:40:42

标签: java jackson deserialization anonymous-class


public static abstract class Item implements Saveable, Serializable, Useable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 45612874562156L;
    private final String nameId;
    String name;
    String description;
    int value;
    public Item(String name, String description, int value) {
        this.name = name;
        this.nameId = name;
        this.description = description;
        this.value = value;
    public void use() {}
    public void save(Path directory) {
        save(directory, nameId, Prefix.SHOP, this);
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getDescription() { return description; }

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(int value) {
        this.value = value;


public interface Saveable {

    ObjectMapper SAVEMAPPER = new ObjectMapper();

    void save(Path outputDirectory);

    default <T extends Serializable, E extends Enum<E>> void save(Path outputDirectory, long id, E prefixType, T object) {
        save(outputDirectory, String.valueOf(id), prefixType, object);
    default <T extends Serializable, E extends Enum<E>> void save(Path outputDirectory, String id, E prefixType, T object) {
        try {
            SAVEMAPPER.writeValue(Paths.get(outputDirectory.toString(), id+prefixType.toString()+".json").toFile(), object);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CouldNotSaveFileException(e.getMessage());
    static <T, E extends Enum<E>> T load(Path outputDirectory, String id, E prefixType, Class<? extends T> clazz) throws CouldNotLoadFileException {
        try {
            return SAVEMAPPER.readValue(Paths.get(outputDirectory.toString(), id+prefixType.toString()+".json").toFile(), clazz);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CouldNotLoadFileException(e.getMessage());
    static <T, E extends Enum<E>> T load(Path outputDirectory, long id, E prefix, Class<? extends T> clazz) throws CouldNotLoadFileException {
        return load(outputDirectory, String.valueOf(id), prefix, clazz);
    class CouldNotLoadFileException extends RuntimeException {
            CouldNotLoadFileException(String desciption) {
                super("Could not load file\n" + desciption);
    class CouldNotSaveFileException extends RuntimeException {
        CouldNotSaveFileException(String desciption) {
            super("Could not save file\n" + desciption);

Useable接口只是一个称为use()的抽象方法。 我没问题将其序列化,因此当我执行new Item("Foo", "Bar", 10){}.save()时,它可以正确地序列化(我会认为)到{"name":"Foo","description":"Bar","value":10} 太好了,但是在反序列化过程中遇到了这个异常

me.James.misc.Saveable$CouldNotLoadFileException: Could not load file
Unexpected token (START_OBJECT), expected START_ARRAY: need JSON Array to contain As.WRAPPER_ARRAY type information for class me.James.commands.GiftShop$Item
 at [Source: (File); line: 1, column: 1]

    at me.James.misc.Saveable.load(Saveable.java:31)
    at me.James.commands.GiftShopSpec.creating, saving, and loading an item(GiftShopSpec.groovy:16)

当尝试使用Google寻求答案时,我尝试启用返回相同异常的默认类型,并尝试实现自己的解串器。我真的找不到很好的资料来展示如何创建自己的解串器。那使我相信通过扩展StdDeserializer来实现自己的解串器可能有点帮助,但我真的不知道怎么做。我希望在执行Saveable.load(Paths.get("./data", "other", "shop"), "Testing", Prefix.SHOP, GiftShop.Item.class)时返回一个Item,但此刻我遇到了异常。我在Spock测试中测试了所有这些内容

class GiftShopSpec extends Specification {
    void "creating, saving, and loading an item"() {
        given: "an item with example values"
        GiftShop.Item sampleItem = new GiftShop.Item("Testing", "Test", 5) {}
        and: "saving the item"
        sampleItem.save(Paths.get("./data", "other", "shop"))
        when: "we load the item from disk"
        GiftShop.Item loadedItem = Saveable.load(Paths.get("./data", "other", "shop"), "Testing", Prefix.SHOP, GiftShop.Item.class);
        then: "we get an item from disk"
        sampleItem == loadedItem

如果问题是我没有创建自己的自定义解串器,那么关于如何实现它的资源将很棒。我正在用Java 10和Jackson 2.9.7版编写所有这些内容。感谢您的宝贵时间,希望我能提供所需的所有信息。

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Inheritance with Jackson