
时间:2018-10-13 20:21:42

标签: idris




  data Prog : Type -> Type where
    Req : Prog String
    Pure : a -> Prog a
    (>>=) : Prog a -> (a -> Prog b) -> Prog b

  data Event = Resp String

  run : Prog a -> Event -> Prog a
  run Req (Resp s) = Pure s
  run (Pure x) _ = Pure x
  run (x >>= f) ev = let x' = run x ev
                    in case x' of
                          Pure v => f v
                          v => v >>= f


  prog : Prog String
  prog = do
    x <- Req
    y <- Req
    Pure (x ++ y)

  test : IO ()
  test = do
    -- this might doesn't look reasonable , but the point is that we could
    -- keep/pass program state around and execute it in whatever manner we wish
    -- in some environment
    let s1 = run prog (Resp "Hello, ")
    let s2 = run s1 (Resp "world")
    case s2 of
      Pure s => putStrLn s
      _ => putStrLn "Something wrong"


data State = StateA | StateB

data Event = Resp String

data Indexed : (ty : Type) -> State -> (ty -> State) -> Type where
  Req : Indexed String StateA (\res => case res of "frob" => StateB; _ => StateA)
  Pure : (res : a) -> Indexed a (state_fn res) state_fn
  (>>=) : Indexed a state1 state2_fn
      -> ((res : a) -> Indexed b (state2_fn res) state3_fn)
      -> Indexed b state1 state3_fn


run : Indexed a s1 s2_fn -> Event -> Indexed a s3 s4_fn


run : Indexed a s1 s2_fn -> Event -> (s3 ** s4_fn ** Indexed a s3 s4_fn)



run (Pure x) _ = (?noIdea ** ?noIdeaAsWell ** (Pure x))


run : (s1 ** s2_fn ** Indexed a s1 s2_fn) -> Event -> (s3 ** s4_fn ** Indexed a s3 s4_fn)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



data State = StateA | StateB

data Indexed : (ty : Type) -> State -> (ty -> State) -> Type where
  Req : Indexed String StateA (const StateA)
  Pure : (res : a) -> Indexed a (state_fn res) state_fn
  (>>=) : Indexed a state1 state2_fn
      -> ((res : a) -> Indexed b (state2_fn res) state3_fn)
      -> Indexed b state1 state3_fn

现在,让我们定义一个执行上下文,以及一个将在该上下文中运行的run函数。 run会给我们最终值,但是会通过一些抽象的EventCtx来实现,因为我们所需要的只是从外部事件中获取值,而我们并不关心计算将如何他们处理了:

namespace EventType
  data EventType = Req

data Event = Resp String

-- rename: eventType? what about EventType then :) ?
payloadType : EventType -> Type
payloadType EventType.Req = String

interface Monad m => EventCtx (m : Type -> Type) where
  fromEvent : (et : EventType) -> m (payloadType et)

run : EventCtx m => Indexed a s1 s2_fn -> m a
run Req = fromEvent EventType.Req
run (Pure res) = pure res
run (x >>= f) = do
  x' <- run x
  run (f x')



namespace SteppedRunner

  data Stepped : Type -> Type where
    Await : (et : EventType) -> Stepped (payloadType et)
    Pure : a -> Stepped a
    (>>=) : Stepped a -> (a -> Stepped b) -> Stepped b

  Functor Stepped where
    map f x = x >>= (\v => Pure (f v))

  Applicative Stepped where
    pure = Pure
    (<*>) f a = f >>= (\f' =>
                           a >>= (\a' =>
                                      Pure (f' a')))

  Monad Stepped where
    (>>=) x f = x >>= f


我们还需要实现抽象EventCtx的实现,以便能够使用runIndexed的值转换为Stepped的值:< / p>

  EventCtx Stepped where
    fromEvent = Await


  step : Stepped a -> Event -> Either (Stepped a) a
  step s e = fst (step' s (Just e))
    step' : Stepped a -> Maybe Event -> (Either (Stepped a) a, Maybe Event)
    step' (Await Req) (Just (Resp s)) = (Right s, Nothing) -- event consumed
    step' s@(Await _) _ = (Left s, Nothing) -- unmatched event (consumed)
    step' (Pure x) e = (Right x, e)
    step' (x >>= f) e = let (res, e') = step' x e
                        in case res of
                             Left x' => (Left (x' >>= f), e')
                             Right x => step' (f x) e'



test : Indexed String StateA (const StateA)
test = do
  x <- Req
  y <- do a <- Req
          b <- Req
          Pure (a ++ b)
  Pure (x++ y)


s : Stepped String
s = run test


  steps : Stepped a -> List Event -> Either (Stepped a) a
  steps s evs = foldl go (Left s) evs
    where go (Right x) _ = Right x
          go (Left s) e = step s e


λΠ> steps s [Resp "hoho", Resp "hehe", Resp "hihihi"]
Right "hohohehehihihi" : Either (Stepped String) String