
时间:2018-10-13 19:20:47

标签: random coldfusion cfloop

我正在尝试创建随机测试答案。 使用唯一ID(文本)-当我使用列表时,下面仅将列表随机化一次。 如果我重新加载页面,它不会再次随机化。

也-如果仅是2个选择,则为True False。它不起作用。


      <cfset strList = "rttt,ddde,ffss,gggd" /> - works only once

      <cfset strList = "True,False" /> - doesn't work

     Create a struct to hold the list of selected numbers. Because
     structs are indexed by key, it will allow us to not select
     duplicate values.

     <cfset objSelections = {} />

      <!--- Now, all we have to do is pick random numbers until our
     struct count is the desired size (4 in this demo).

      <cfloop condition="(StructCount( objSelections ) LT 4)">

     <!--- Select a random list index. --->
     <cfset intIndex = RandRange( 1, ListLen( strList ) ) />

        Add the random item to our collection. If we have
        already picked this number, then it will simply
        overwrite the previous and the StructCount() will
        not be changed.
     <cfset objSelections[ ListGetAt( strList, intIndex ) ] = true />


      <!--- Output the list collection. --->
      <cfset newlist = "#StructKeyList( objSelections )#">



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  // Our original answer list.
  strlist1 = "rttt,ddde,ffss,gggd" ;

  // Convert our lists to arrays. 
  answerArray1 = ListToArray(strList1) ;

  // Create the Java Collection object. 
  C = CreateObject( "java", "java.util.Collections" ) ;

  // Java shuffle() our array.
  C.shuffle(answerArray1) ;

  // Output our shuffled array (as an array).
  writeDump(answerArray3) ;
  // Or convert it to a list for output.
  randomAnswerList = ArrayToList(answerArray3) ;
  writeoutput(randomAnswerList) ;

由于您正在使用小型列表,因此Java的shuffle()应该很快。对于大型列表,我认为它比建立随机函数来随机排列列表要低得多。之所以可行,是因为ColdFusion数组自动也是Java数组。 CF与Java配合得很好,尤其是对于这些类型的操作。

注1:Java shuffle()直接在其输入数组上运行,因此您实际上是在更改数组本身。

注2:根据您要对列表执行的操作,将随机组合的答案留在Array对象中并使用它可能会容易得多。另外,Java Collection.shuffle()将与Structs一起使用。您是否正在根据查询生成答案列表?仍然可以使用,但是根据以后使用查询的方式,您可能不想直接在查询对象上使用shuffle()

答案 1 :(得分:0)


<cfset strList = "rttt,ddde,ffss,gggd" />

<cfset newlist = "">
<cfloop condition="ListLen(strList)">
    <cfset intIndex = RandRange( 1, ListLen( strList ) ) />
    <cfset newlist = ListAppend(newlist, ListGetAt(strList, intIndex))>
    <cfset strList = ListDeleteAt(strList, intIndex)>
