如何在Python中实现更快的文件I / O?

时间:2018-10-13 09:29:44

标签: python python-3.x performance file-io io

我有一个关于 Python 速度/效率相关问题:

我需要从嵌套的JSON文件中提取多个字段(写入.txt文件后,它们具有〜 64k 行,当前代码段在〜 9中完成)分钟), 每行可以包含浮点数和字符串。



  • 将每行组装为一个字符串(从JSON中提取所需的字段)
  • 将字符串写入相关文件

我对此有几个问题: -这会导致出现更多单独的file.write()命令,这些命令也非常慢。(大约64k * 8个调用(用于8个文件))


  • 解决此类问题的常规是什么?可以平衡speed vs memory-consumption来最有效地写入磁盘。
  • 我应该增加我的DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE吗? (目前为8192)

我已经检查了这个File I/O in Every Programming Language和这个python org: IO,但是除了(根据我的理解,文件io应该已经在python 3.6.x中已经被缓冲)以外,没有太大帮助。我的默认DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE8192



def read_json_line(line=None):
    result = None
        result = json.loads(line)
    except Exception as e:      
        # Find the offending character index:
        idx_to_replace = int(str(e).split(' ')[-1].replace(')',''))      
        # Remove the offending character:
        new_line = list(line)
        new_line[idx_to_replace] = ' '
        new_line = ''.join(new_line)     
        return read_json_line(line=new_line)
    return result

def extract_features_and_write(path_to_data, inp_filename, is_train=True):
    # It's currently having 8 lines of file.write(), which is probably making it slow as writing to disk is  involving a lot of overheads as well
    features = ['meta_tags__twitter-data1', 'url', 'meta_tags__article-author', 'domain', 'title', 'published__$date',\
                'content', 'meta_tags__twitter-description']

    prefix = 'train' if is_train else 'test'

    feature_files = [open(os.path.join(path_to_data,'{}_{}.txt'.format(prefix, feat)),'w', encoding='utf-8')
                    for feat in features]

    with open(os.path.join(PATH_TO_RAW_DATA, inp_filename), 
              encoding='utf-8') as inp_json_file:
        for line in tqdm_notebook(inp_json_file):
            for idx, features in enumerate(features):
                json_data = read_json_line(line)  
                content = json_data['meta_tags']["twitter:data1"].replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').split()[0]
                feature_files[0].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['url'].split('/')[-1].lower()
                feature_files[1].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['meta_tags']['article:author'].split('/')[-1].replace('@','').lower()
                feature_files[2].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['domain']
                feature_files[3].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['title'].replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').lower()
                feature_files[4].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['published']['$date']
                feature_files[5].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['content'].replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
                content = strip_tags(content).lower()
                content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", content)
                feature_files[6].write(content + '\n')
                content = json_data['meta_tags']["twitter:description"].replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').lower()
                feature_files[7].write(content + '\n')

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


为什么您认为8次写入会导致8次物理写入硬盘?文件对象本身会缓冲要写入的内容,如果它决定写入操作系统,则操作系统可能还要稍等一会儿才能进行物理写入-甚至您的harrdrives都有可能使文件内容保持一段时间直到开始的缓冲区真正写。参见How often does python flush to a file?


最好的办法是在将数据提供给json.load()之前清理数据...下一个最好的办法是避免递归...尝试以下方式:< / p>

def read_json_line(line=None):
    result = None

    while result is None and line: # empty line is falsy, avoid endless loop
            result = json.loads(line)
        except Exception as e:
            result = None      
            # Find the offending character index:
            idx_to_replace = int(str(e).split(' ')[-1].replace(')',''))      
            # slice away the offending character:
            line = line[:idx_to_replace]+line[idx_to_replace+1:]

     return result