好的,所以我正在做一个项目,要求我们将英语翻译成Pig Latin。我试图复制和调整一些我在网上找到的代码,但这样做却相反,因为这些函数看上去很相似。在我的课堂上,我们获得了某些必须在代码中实现的功能。
struct Word
string english;
string pigLatin;
功能1:Word * splitSentence(const string words, int &size);
功能2:void convertToPigLatin(Word [] wordArr, int size);
〜将英语转换为Pig Latin
功能3:void convertToPigLatin(Word [] wordArr, int size);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
struct Word
string english;
string pigLatin;
Word * splitSentence(wordArr&; int &);
void convertToPigLatin (Word[], int);
void displayPigLatin (Word[], int);
int main()
string userInput;
int size;
cout <<"This is an English to Pig Latin translator.\n";
cout <<"Enter a sentance that you want to translate.\n";
getline(cin, userInput);
Word *wordArr = convertToPigLatin(userInput, size);
displayPigLatin(wordArr, size);
return 0;
Word * splitSentence(const Word [] wordArr, int &size)
int num = 0;
int phraseLength = userInput.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (isspace(userInput[i]))
if (isspace(userInput[ i - 1]))
if (ispunct(userInput[i]))
if (i != (phraseLength - 1))
userInput.erase(1--, 1)
void convertToPigLatin(Word wordArr[], int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
int stringLength;
if (i == (size - 1))
stringLength = wordArr[i].userInput.length();
stringLength = wordArr[i].userInput.length() - 1;
string vowel, way;
vowel = wordArr[i].userInput.at(stringLength - stringLength);
way = wordArr[i].userInput.at(stringLength - 3);
bool markV = ((vowel == 'A') || (vowel == 'a') (vowel == 'E') || (vowel == 'e')
(vowel == 'I') || (vowel == 'i') (vowel == 'O') || (vowel == 'o')
(vowel == 'U') || (vowel == 'u'));
wordArr[i].userInput.erase(stringLength - 3, 3);
if (!(markV && (way == 'w')))
wordArr[i].english = way + wordArr[i].userInput;
displayPigLatin(wordArr, stringLength);
void displayPigLatin(const Word wordArr[], int size);
cout << "\nHere is your phrase in PigLatin: ";
for (int i = 0 i < size; i++)
cout << wordArr[i].userInput << " ";
答案 0 :(得分:0)
重要说明::如果编译器不支持 C ++ 11,则只能在 C ++ 11或更高版本中使用range based for-loops 或更高版本,请使用regular for-loops ...
typedef struct
std::string english;
std::string pig_latin;
} Word;
#define IS_VOWEL(x) ((x) == 'A' || (x) == 'E' || (x) == 'I' || (x) == 'O' || (x) == 'U' || \
(x) == 'a' || (x) == 'e' || (x) == 'i' || (x) == 'o' || (x) == 'u')
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> GetWord(std::string word)
auto start = word.end();
for (auto it = word.begin(); it != word.end(); ++it)
if (tolower(*it) >= 'a' && tolower(*it) <= 'z' && start == word.end())
start = it;
else if (start != word.end() && !(tolower(*it) >= 'a' && tolower(*it) <= 'z'))
return std::make_pair(std::distance(word.begin(), start), std::distance(word.begin(), it));
return std::make_pair(start == word.end() ? 0 : std::distance(word.begin(), start), std::distance(word.begin(), word.end()));
std::vector<Word> CreatePigLatinWordsFromEnglish(std::string english, bool sentence_case = true)
// You can break it from here to use inside another function (viz., splitSentence)
std::transform(english.begin(), english.end(), english.begin(), ::tolower);
std::stringstream english_stream(english);
std::vector<Word> words;
std::string temporary;
while (std::getline(english_stream, temporary, ' '))
words.emplace_back(Word({ temporary, "" }));
// Till here...
// From here the conversion starts...
for (auto &word : words)
auto const word_it = GetWord(word.english);
if (!IS_VOWEL(word.english[word_it.first]) && !std::string(std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.first),
std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.second)).empty())
word.pig_latin.append(std::string(word.english.begin(), std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.first)));
word.pig_latin.append(std::string(std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.first + 1), std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.second)));
word.pig_latin.append(1, word.english[word_it.first]);
word.pig_latin.append(std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.second), word.english.end());
word.pig_latin = std::string(word.english.begin(), std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.second)) + "way"
+ std::string(std::next(word.english.begin(), word_it.second), word.english.end());
// Conversion ends here...
// Changing the case from lower case to sentence case if needed...
if (sentence_case)
words[0].english[0] = toupper(words[0].english[0]);
words[0].pig_latin[0] = toupper(words[0].pig_latin[0]);
return words; // Returning the list of words we got...
int main() { auto const test = "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"; for (auto word : CreatePigLatinWordsFromEnglish(test)) std::cout << word.pig_latin << " "; return 0; }
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