
时间:2018-10-11 15:53:15

标签: canvas scheme racket mouseover


enter image description here



当前,我正在画布上绘制一个大的“ pict”图像,这似乎是错误的方法。重写它以其他方式工作没什么大不了的。我只需要知道正确的方法是什么:哪个工具,哪个库,如何将这些东西放在一起以实现鼠标悬停。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您需要使用新的on-event方法扩展String myVariable = 'Hello'; 类。 canvas%方法采用一个mouse-event%对象,该对象包含相对于目标窗口的鼠标on-eventx坐标。




现在,您只需将(define clicky-canvas% (class canvas% (define/override (on-event e) (define window-x (send e get-x)) (define window-y (send e get-y)) (when (eq? (send e get-event-type) 'left-down) .... your code here ....))) 对象插入先前插入clicky-canvas%对象的窗口即可。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这里是尝试为任意标签的图像添加工具提示。它很可能笨拙而错误地进行了操作。我在这里提供它来说明我的困惑。希望您可以发布一个答案,该答案显示了一种可以更适当地使用球拍/ GUI中许多工具的方法。已知问题在代码的注释中标记,并在下面进行简要讨论。

A tooltip on an arbitrary pict

#lang debug at-exp racket/gui

(require (prefix-in pict: pict) pict/snip mrlib/snip-canvas)

;; Adding tooltips to windows ==========================================

;CONFUSION: This is needed only because pane% doesn't support client->screen.
;Is the reason why it doesn't also a reason why this function shouldn't exist?
(define (window-parent-of window)
  (let ([parent (send window get-parent)])
      [(not parent)
      [(is-a? parent window<%>)
      [else (window-parent-of parent)])))

;CONFUSION: Is the documentation on client->screen or get-current-mouse-state
(define-values (screen-x-offset screen-y-offset)
  (let-values ([(xo yo) (get-display-left-top-inset)])
    (values (- xo) (- yo))))
(define (window-top-left-in-screen-coordinates window)
  (let ([parent (window-parent-of window)])
    (if parent
      (let-values ([(wx wy) (send parent client->screen (send window get-x)
                                                        (send window get-y))])
        (values (+ wx screen-x-offset) (+ wy screen-y-offset)))
      (values (send window get-x) (send window get-y)))))

(define (in-window? window point)  ; <--- CODE SMELL: reinventing the wheel?
  (define-values (wx wy) (window-top-left-in-screen-coordinates window))
  (define-values (ww wh) (send window get-size))
  (define-values (px py) (values (send point get-x) (send point get-y)))
  (and (<= wx px (+ wx ww))
       (<= wy py (+ wy wh))))

(define (text->tooltip-pict text)
  (let* ([text (if (pair? text) (map ~a text) (string-split (~a text) "\n"))]
         [text-image (for/fold ([text-image (pict:blank)])
                               ([line text])
                       (pict:vl-append text-image (pict:text line)))]
         [text-image (pict:inset text-image 4 2)]
         [background (pict:filled-rectangle
                       (ceiling (pict:pict-width text-image))
                       (ceiling (pict:pict-height text-image))
                       #:color "LemonChiffon"
                       #:draw-border? #t)])
    (pict:cc-superimpose background text-image)))

(define -pict-canvas%  ; <--- CODE SMELL: reinventing the wheel (pict.rkt)
  (class canvas%
    (init-field pict
                [style '()])
    (inherit get-dc)
    (define/override (on-paint)
      (pict:draw-pict pict (get-dc) 0 0))
    (super-new [min-width (exact-ceiling (pict:pict-width pict))]
               [min-height (exact-ceiling (pict:pict-height pict))]
               [stretchable-width #f]
               [stretchable-height #f]
               [style (cons 'transparent style)])))

(define tooltip-window%
  (class frame%
    (init-field text
                point ; will place window above this point
                [pict (text->tooltip-pict text)])
    (define width (exact-ceiling (pict:pict-width pict)))
    (define height (exact-ceiling (pict:pict-height pict)))
    (super-new [style '(no-resize-border no-caption float)]
               [label ""]
               [width width]
               [height height]
               [stretchable-width #f]
               [stretchable-height #f]
               [x (exact-ceiling (- (send point get-x) (/ width 2) 3))]
               [y (exact-ceiling (- (send point get-y) height 8))])
    (define canvas (new -pict-canvas% [pict pict] [parent this]))
    (send this show #t)))

  ;When mouse cursor sits motionless over relevant window for this long,
  ;tooltip appears.

(define tooltip-mixin
  (mixin (window<%>) (window<%>)
    (init-field [tooltip (void)]
                [tooltip-window #f])

    (define (maybe-open-tooltip-window)
      (define-values (point buttons) (get-current-mouse-state))
      (when (and (null? buttons) (in-window? this point))
        (set! tooltip-window (new tooltip-window% [text tooltip]
                                                  [point point]))))

    (define timer
      (new timer% [notify-callback maybe-open-tooltip-window]))

    (define/public (close-tooltip-window)
      (send tooltip-window show #f) ;<--- MEMORY LEAK: Should close, not hide
      (set! tooltip-window #f))

    (define/override (on-subwindow-event receiver e)
      (if (and (not (void? tooltip))
               (eq? this receiver)
               (eq? 'motion (send e get-event-type)))
               ;STRANGE: We never get 'enter or 'leave events
          (if tooltip-window
            ; If tooltip is showing, mouse motion closes it
            ; Mouse motion followed by a pause opens it
            (send timer start TOOLTIP-HOVER-DELAY #t))
          #t)  ; UNSURE: What is on-subwindow-event supposed to return here?
      ;BUG: Often no 'motion event comes when the mouse leaves this window,
      ;so the tooltip stays up.

;; Labeled dots with tooltips ==========================================

(define fr (new frame% [label "xtooltip"] [width 200] [height 100]))

(define hp (new horizontal-pane% [parent fr] [alignment '(left top)]))

(define pict-canvas% (tooltip-mixin -pict-canvas%))

(define (disk d)
    (pict:ghost (pict:disk 50))
    (pict:disk d #:color "aquamarine" #:draw-border? #f)))

(define (make-dot parent label activation)
  (define vp (new vertical-pane% [parent parent]
                                 [stretchable-width #f]
                                 [stretchable-height #f]))
  (define l (new message% [parent vp] [label label]))
  (define d (new pict-canvas% [parent vp]
                              [pict (disk (* 8.0 activation))]
                              [tooltip activation]))

(define d1 (make-dot hp "archetype4" 4.1))
(define d2 (make-dot hp "some-sa-node" 2.26))
(define d3 (make-dot hp "this-dot" 0.4))

(send fr show #t)

某些代码被标记为“重塑方向”,例如in-window?,因为它复制了Racket库中可能已经实现的功能。 (某些部分直接从其源代码中借用了想法。)我认为,一种更聪明的方法将利用库已完成的工作,而不是重新实施。

此版本可让您轻松地将工具提示添加到大多数GUI元素(例如消息和按钮),但不使用canvaseditor-canvas。因此,它不允许滚动超出窗口数量的标记点。我认为接下来要做的是派生一个snip%类来绘制带有标签和点的工具提示vertical-panel%。但是由于片段需要在绘图上下文中进行绘制,因此我不确定如何执行此操作。无论如何,显然现在是时候让经验丰富的球拍/ GUI的人来建议一种更符合图书馆工作原理的方法了。