学习在ms Access vba中使用SQL。我已经知道选择查询是如何工作的,但它们不会立即输出到像通过访问表单构建的数据表那样的数据表。我需要其他复杂的链来获得想要的东西,所以我不得不使用vba路由。 我已经尝试了其他问题中建议的几种方法,但是它们并没有按照我的意愿工作。
Dim qd As QueryDef
Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")
With qd
.ReturnsRecords = True
End With
Private Sub NDC_CERT_VIEW_Click()
Dim StrSQLclause As String
Dim db1 As DAO.Database, qry1 As DAO.QueryDef
Set db1 = CurrentDb()
Set qry1 = db1.QueryDefs("NDC_EXPORT_VIEW")
MsgBox ("Here")
If (Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
ElseIf (Not Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Not Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Not Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Not Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' "
ElseIf (Certified_Check And Revised_Check And Doc_Exceptions_Check And Pending_Check) Then
StrSQLclause = "Select * From EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION Where EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Revised' Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.DocumentException Not Is Null Or EXPORT_NDC_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = '' "
MsgBox ("No Status Selected")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (StrSQLclause)
MsgBox ("Here3")
qry1.sql = StrSQLclause
MsgBox ("Here4")
MsgBox ("Here6")
答案 0 :(得分:4)
Dim i As Long
Dim myCtl As Control
For i = 0 To 254
Set myCtl = Application.CreateControl("frmDynDS", acTextBox, acDetail)
myCtl.Name = "Text" & i
Next i
Public Myself As Object
Public Sub LoadRS(myRS As Object)
'Supports both ADODB and DAO recordsets
Dim i As Long
Dim myTextbox As textbox
Dim fld As Object
i = 0
With myRS
For Each fld In myRS.Fields
Set myTextbox = Me.Controls("Text" & i)
myTextbox.Properties("DatasheetCaption").Value = fld.Name
myTextbox.ControlSource = fld.Name
myTextbox.ColumnHidden = False
myTextbox.columnWidth = -2
i = i + 1
Next fld
End With
For i = i To 254
Set myTextbox = Me.Controls("Text" & i)
myTextbox.ColumnHidden = True
Next i
Set Me.Recordset = myRS
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set Myself = Nothing 'Prevent memory leak
End Sub
Public Sub DisplayRS(rs As Object)
Dim f As New Form_frmDynDS
f.LoadRS rs
f.Visible = True
Set f.Myself = f
End Sub
DisplayRS CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM EXPORT_CERTIFICATION WHERE EXPORT_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified'")
答案 1 :(得分:3)
Has Module
属性(在 Other 中
标签)为是。 Default View
。 MyForm
。 添加VBA代码模块并添加以下代码:
Sub Test()
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim frm As Form_MyForm
Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("", "PARAMETERS Stats Text(255); " & _
"WHERE CertificationStatus = Stats")
qd.Parameters("Stats") = "Certified"
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset
Set frm = New Form_MyForm
'The record source for the form
Set frm.Recordset = rs
'The record source fields attached to each control.
frm.Text0 = "FieldA"
frm.Text2 = "Field"
frm.Text3 = "CertificationStatus"
frm.Visible = True
Debug.Assert False 'Form will disappear when code ends, so pause here.
End Sub