我计划通过在画布上使用ScalaFX来制作节奏游戏, 当我尝试运行代码时,我发现它消耗了大量的GPU,有时帧速率下降了30 fps,甚至我只在画布上绘制了一张图像,而没有绘制任何动画笔记,舞者,过程规等。
import scalafx.animation.AnimationTimer
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.canvas.{Canvas, GraphicsContext}
import scalafx.scene.image.Image
import scalafx.scene.layout.Pane
import scalafx.scene.paint.Color.Green
object MainApp extends JFXApp{
var MainScene: Scene = new Scene {
fill = Green
var MainStage: JFXApp.PrimaryStage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
scene = MainScene
height = 720
width = 1280
var gameCanvas:Canvas = new Canvas(){
var gameImage:Image = new Image("notebar.png")
var gc:GraphicsContext = gameCanvas.graphicsContext2D
MainScene.root = new Pane(){
var a:Long = 0
val animateTimer = AnimationTimer(t => {
val nt:Long = t/1000000
val frameRate:Long = 1000/ (if((nt-a)==0) 1 else nt-a)
//check the frame rate
a = nt
答案 0 :(得分:3)
关于帧速率,在下面的版本中,我记录第一帧的时间(以纳秒为单位),并计算绘制的帧数。当应用程序退出时,它将报告平均帧速率。这是一种更简单的计算,不会过多地影响动画处理程序内部的操作,并且是总体性能的良好衡量标准。 (由于垃圾回收,其他进程,JIT编译改进等原因,每个帧的时间会有很大差异。我们将通过查看平均速率来跳过所有这些内容。)
我还简化了您的代码,使其在使用 ScalaFX 时更加常规(例如,也使用主类的stage
import scalafx.animation.AnimationTimer
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.canvas.Canvas
import scalafx.scene.image.Image
import scalafx.scene.layout.Pane
import scalafx.scene.paint.Color.Green
object MainApp
extends JFXApp {
// Nanoseconds per second.
val NanoPerSec = 1.0e9
// Height & width of canvas. Change in a single place.
val canvasHeight = 720
val canvasWidth = 1280
// Fixed canvas size.
val gameCanvas = new Canvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
// The image.
val gameImage = new Image("notebar.png")
val gc = gameCanvas.graphicsContext2D
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
height = canvasHeight
width = canvasWidth
scene = new Scene {
fill = Green
root = new Pane {
// Class representing an initial frame time, last frame time and number of frames
// drawn. The first frame is not counted.
// (Ideally, this would be declared in its own source file. I'm putting it here for
// convenience.)
final case class FrameRate(initTime: Long, lastTime: Long = 0L, frames: Long = 0L) {
// Convert to time in seconds
def totalTime: Double = if(frames == 0L) 1.0 else (lastTime - initTime) / NanoPerSec
def mean: Double = frames / totalTime
def update(time: Long): FrameRate = copy(lastTime = time, frames = frames + 1)
// Current frame rate.
private var frames: Option[FrameRate] = None
val animateTimer = AnimationTimer {t =>
// Update frame rate.
frames = Some(frames.fold(FrameRate(t))(_.update(t)))
// Send information to console. Comment out to determine impact on frame rate.
//println(s"Frame rate: ${frames.fold("Undefined")(_.mean.toString)}")
// Clear region of canvas.
// First clears entire canvas, second only image. Comment one out.
//gc.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
gc.clearRect(0, 0, gameImage.width.value, gameImage.height.value)
// Redraw the image. This version doesn't need to know the size of the image.
gc.drawImage(gameImage, 0, 0)
// When the application terminates, output the mean frame rate.
override def stopApp(): Unit = {
println(s"Mean frame rate: ${frames.fold("Undefined")(_.mean.toString)}")
(顺便说一句:尽可能避免在 Scala 中使用var
语句。使用 JavaFX /时不可避免地会出现共享的可变状态 ScalaFX ,但是Property
元素声明的习惯,除非它们确实确实需要{ {1}}。如果确实需要使用var
对 Java 程序进行基准测试是一种艺术形式,但显然,每个版本的运行时间越长,平均帧速率就越好。在我的机器上(带有我自己的图像),在运行该应用程序5分钟后,我获得了以下结果,这是不科学的:
在运行5分钟后,这为我产生了59.86 fps的平均帧频,几乎与使用画布相同。
在此示例中,动作有点生涩,这很可能是由垃圾收集周期引起的。也许尝试尝试使用不同的 GC ?
顺便说一句,我在此版本中移动图像以强制发生某些事情。如果属性没有更改,那么我怀疑该图像将不会在该帧中更新。确实,如果我每次都将属性设置为相同的值,则帧速率将变为:62.05 fps。
使用画布意味着您必须确定要绘制的内容以及如何重新绘制它。但是使用 JavaFX 场景图(如上一个示例所示)意味着 JavaFX 负责弄清楚是否甚至需要重绘框架。在这种特殊情况下,它并没有太大的区别,但是如果连续帧之间的内容差异很小,则可能会加快处理速度。要记住的事情。
(有关动画的另一种可能性,请参阅 ScalaFX 源随附的 ColorfulCircles 演示。)
更新:我在评论中提到了这一点,但可能值得在主要答案中强调一下: JavaFX 的默认速度限制为60 fps,这也会影响上述基准测试,并且也解释了为什么不能更好地利用CPU和GPU。
import scalafx.animation.AnimationTimer
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty
import scalafx.scene.{Group, Scene}
import scalafx.scene.image.ImageView
import scalafx.scene.layout.Pane
import scalafx.scene.paint.Color.Green
import scalafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
object MainApp
extends JFXApp {
// Height & width of app. Change in a single place.
val canvasHeight = 720
val canvasWidth = 1280
// Nanoseconds per second.
val NanoPerSec = 1.0e9
// Center of the circle about which the image will move.
val cX = 200.0
val cY = 200.0
// Radius about which we'll move the image.
val radius = 100.0
// Properties for positioning the image (might be initial jump).
val imX = DoubleProperty(cX + radius)
val imY = DoubleProperty(cY)
// Image view. It's co-ordinates are bound to the above properties. As the properties
// change, so does the image's position.
val imageView = new ImageView("notebar.png") {
x <== imX // Bind to property
y <== imY // Bind to property
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
height = canvasHeight
width = canvasWidth
scene = new Scene {thisScene => // thisScene is a self reference
fill = Green
root = new Group {
new Rectangle { // Background
width <== thisScene.width // Bind to scene/stage width
height <== thisScene.height // Bind to scene/stage height
fill = Green
// Class representing an initial frame time, last frame time and number of frames
// drawn. The first frame is not counted.
// (Ideally, this would be declared in its own source file. I'm putting it here for
// convenience.)
final case class FrameRate(initTime: Long, lastTime: Long = 0L, frames: Long = 0L) {
// Convert to time in seconds
def totalTime: Double = if(frames == 0L) 1.0 else (lastTime - initTime) / NanoPerSec
def mean: Double = frames / totalTime
def update(time: Long) = copy(lastTime = time, frames = frames + 1)
// Current frame rate.
var frames: Option[FrameRate] = None
val animateTimer = AnimationTimer {t =>
// Update frame rate.
frames = Some(frames.fold(FrameRate(t))(_.update(t)))
// Change the position of the image. We'll make the image move around a circle
// clockwise, doing 1 revolution every 10 seconds. The center of the circle will be
// (cX, cY). The angle is therefore the modulus of the time in seconds divided by 10
// as a proportion of 2 pi radians.
val angle = (frames.get.totalTime % 10.0) * 2.0 * Math.PI / 10.0
// Update X and Y co-ordinates related to the center and angle.
imX.value = cX + radius * Math.cos(angle)
imY.value = cY + radius * Math.sin(angle)
// When the application terminates, output the mean frame rate.
override def stopApp(): Unit = {
println(s"Mean frame rate: ${frames.fold("Undefined")(_.mean.toString)}")
请注意,此属性未记录且不受支持,这意味着它可能在 JavaFX 的未来版本中消失。
属性的更多详细信息,请参见this answer。