R Google Compute Engine创建群集错误

时间:2018-10-10 18:43:51

标签: r cluster-computing google-compute-engine rparallel r-future


vm_names <- paste0("cpu",1:2)

## specify the cheapest VMs that may get turned off
preemptible = list(preemptible = TRUE)

## start up 2 VMs with R base on them (can also customise via Dockerfiles using gce_vm_template instead)
fiftyvms <- lapply(vm_names, gce_vm, predefined_type = "n1-standard-1",
                   template = "r-base", scheduling = preemptible)

## add any ssh details, username etc.
fiftyvms <- lapply(fiftyvms, gce_ssh_setup)

## once all launched, add to cluster
plan(cluster, workers = as.cluster(fiftyvms))




2018-10-10 20:27:20>创建模板VM


2018-10-10 20:27:22>正在检查操作...正在等待


2018-10-10 20:27:33>操作正在运行...


2018-10-10 20:27:53>操作在17秒内完成


2018-10-10 20:27:53>例如cpu1的外部IP:


2018-10-10 20:27:53> ## VM r-base运行在35.240.99.251


2018-10-10 20:27:53>等待几分钟以使初始Docker容器能够               在登录之前先下载并安装。


2018-10-10 20:27:54> VM正在运行


2018-10-10 20:27:59>创建模板VM


2018-10-10 20:28:01>正在检查操作...正在等待


2018-10-10 20:28:21>操作在5秒内完成


2018-10-10 20:28:22>例如cpu2的外部IP:


2018-10-10 20:28:22> ## VM r-base运行在35.205.28.126


2018-10-10 20:28:22>等待几分钟,以使初始docker容器能够               在登录之前先下载并安装。


2018-10-10 20:28:23>虚拟机正在运行

 ## add any ssh details, username etc.
 fiftyvms <- lapply(fiftyvms, gce_ssh_setup)

2018-10-10 20:28:30> SSH公钥上传到实例


2018-10-10 20:28:38> SSH公钥上传到实例

## once all launched, add to cluster
plan(cluster, workers = as.cluster(fiftyvms))

2018-10-10 20:28:59>例如cpu1的外部IP:


socketConnection(“ localhost”,端口=端口,服务器= TRUE,阻止=     TRUE ,:



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