我如何使用S3和Cloudfront 301将单个域的HTTP(HTTP重定向到HTTPS)和&&(www重定向到非www)?

时间:2018-10-10 15:49:30

标签: amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-cloudfront

我正在使用CloudFront分发在AWS S3上托管一个静态站点(纯html / css)。我只配置CloudFront将HTTP重定向到HTTPS没问题。仅使S3将www重定向到非www(裸)子域也没有问题。

当我尝试将所有HTTP流量重定向到HTTPS ,同时将所有www子域重定向到非www时,就会出现问题。




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

正如我在Supporting HTTPS URL redirection with a single CloudFront distribution中提到的那样,简单明了的解决方案涉及两个存储桶和两个CloudFront发行版-一个用于www,另一个用于裸域。我非常怀疑这会对SEO产生负面影响。

但是,该答案早于CloudFront Lambda@Edge扩展的引入,该扩展提供了另一种解决方案,因为它允许您触发Javascript Lambda函数以在CloudFront的请求处理过程中的特定点运行,以检查请求并可能对其进行修改或对其做出反应。



与CloudFront发行版关联的任何其他域名都将重定向到您的站点的“真实”域名,如功能主体中所配置。 (可选)如果有人直接访问您的发行版的*.cloudfront.net默认主机名,它也会返回生成的404响应。

您可能想知道单个CloudFront分布的缓存如何区分example.com/some-pathwww.example.com/some-path的内容并将它们分别缓存,但是答案是它可以并且确实做到了如果,则针对此设置对其进行适当配置-这意味着将其告知cache based on selected request headers-特别是Host标头。


使用此配置,您只需要一个存储桶,并且该存储桶的名称不需要与任何域名匹配。您可以使用任何需要的存储桶...,但是您确实需要使用存储桶的网站托管端点,以便CloudFront将其视为自定义来源。使用REST端点为存储桶创建“ S3源”将无法正常工作。

'use strict';

// if an incoming request is for a domain name other than the canonical
// (official) hostname for the site, this Lambda@Edge trigger
// will redirect the request back to the official site, subject to the
// configuration parameters below.

// this trigger must be deployed as an Origin Request trigger.

// in the CloudFront Cache Behavior settings, the Host header must be
// whitelisted for forwarding, in order for this function to work as intended;
// this is an artifact of the way the Lambda@Edge interface interacts with the
// CloudFront cache key mechanism -- we can't react to what we can't see,
// and if it isn't part of the cache key, CloudFront won't expose it.

// specify the official hostname of the site; requests to this domain will
// be passed through; others will redirect to it...

const canonical_domain_name = 'example.com'; 

// ...but note that every CloudFront distribution has a default *.cloudfront.net
// hostname that  can't be disabled; you may not want this hostname to do
// anything at all, including redirect; set this parameter to true if you
// want to to return 404 for the default hostname; see the render_reject()
// function to customize the behavior further.

const reject_default_hostname = false; 

// the "origin" is the server that provides your content; this is configured
// in the distribution and selected in the Cache Behavior settings, but
// that information needs to be provided here, so that we can modify
// successful requests to match what the destination expects.

const origin_domain_name = 'example-bucket.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com';

// http status code for redirects; you may want 302 or 307 for testing,
// and 301 or 308 for production; note that this is a string, not a number.

const redirect_http_status_code = '302';

// for generated redirects, we can also set a cache control header; you'll need
// to ensure you format this correctly, since the code below does not validate
// the syntax; here, max-age is how long the browser should cache redirects, 
// while s-maxage tells CloudFront how long to potentially cache them;
// higher values should result in less traffic and potentially lower costs;
// set to empty string or null if you don't want to set a value.

const redirect_cache_control = 'max-age=300, s-maxage=86400';

// set false to drop the query string on redirects; true to preserve

const redirect_preserve_querystring = true;

// set false to change the path to '/' on redirects; true to preserve

const redirect_preserve_path = true;

// end of configuration

// the URL in the generated redirect will always use https unless you
// configure whitelisting of CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto, in which case we
// will use that value; if you want to send http to https, use the
// Viewer Protocol Policy settings in the CloudFront cache behavior.

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

    // extract the CloudFront object from the trigger event    
    const cf = event.Records[0].cf;

    // extract the request object
    const request = cf.request;

    // extract the HTTP Host header
    const host = request.headers.host[0].value;

    // check whether the host header matches the canonical value; if so,
    // set the host header to what the origin expects, and return control
    // to CloudFront

    if(host === canonical_domain_name)
        request.headers.host[0].value = origin_domain_name;
        return callback(null, request);

    // check for rejection

    if (reject_default_hostname && host.endsWith('.cloudfront.net'))
        return render_reject(cf, callback);

    // if neither 'return' above has been invoked, then we need to generate a redirect.

    const proto = (request.headers['cloudfront-forwarded-proto'] || [{ value: 'https' }])[0].value;

    const path = redirect_preserve_path ? request.uri : '/';

    const query = redirect_preserve_querystring && (request.querystring != '') ? ('?' + request.querystring) : '';

    const location = proto + '://' + canonical_domain_name + path + query;

    // build a response object to redirect the browser.

    const response = {

        status: redirect_http_status_code,
        headers: {
            'location': [ { key: 'Location', value: location } ],
        body: '',


    // add the cache control header, if configured

        response.headers['cache-control'] = [{ key: 'Cache-Control', value: redirect_cache_control }];

    // return the response object, preventing the request from being sent to
    // the origin server

    return callback(null, response);


function render_reject(cf, callback) {
    // only invoked if the request is for *.cloudfront.net and you set
    // reject_default_hostname to true; here, we generate a very simple
    // response, text/plain, with a 404 error.  This can be customized to HTML
    // or XML, etc., according to your local practices, but be sure you properly
    // escape the request URI, since it is untrusted data and could lead to an
    // XSS injection otherwise; no similar vulnerability exists with plain text.

    const body_text = `The requested URL '${cf.request.uri}' does not exist ` +
                      'on this server, or access is not enabled via the ' +
                      `${ cf.request.headers.host[0].value } endpoint.\r\n`;

    // generate a response; you may want to customize this; note that
    // Lambda@Edge is strict with regard to the way headers are specified;
    // the outer keys are lowercase, the inner keys can be mixed.

    const response = {
        status: '404',
        headers: {
            'cache-control': [{ key: 'Cache-Control', value: 'no-cache, s-maxage=86400' }],
            'content-type':  [{ key: 'Content-Type',  value: 'text/plain' }],
        body: body_text,

    return callback(null, response);

// eof

答案 1 :(得分:1)

使用Lambda @ Edge完成other answer here后,我意识到有一个非常简单的解决方案,仅使用一个CloudFront发行版和三个(下面说明)S3存储桶即可。



  • 您必须正在使用S3网站托管功能(应该是已知的,因为我们正在谈论托管内容并进行重定向)
  • 存储桶必须全部位于同一AWS区域
  • 前两个存储桶的名称必须与要处理的主机名完全相同 ,例如您需要一个名为example.com的存储桶和一个名为www.example.com的存储桶。
  • 您还需要创建一个存储桶,其名称与分配给CloudFront发行版的主机名完全匹配。 dzczcexample.cloudfront.net,并且此存储桶还必须与其他两个存储桶位于同一区域。



Whitelist Host标头,用于转发到源。此设置利用以下事实:当S3无法将传入的HTTP Host标头识别为属于S3的标头时,...






  • 原始域名仅用于将请求从CloudFront边缘路由到正确的S3区域,然后
  • 当请求到达S3时,
  • 白名单Host标头用于选择哪个存储桶处理请求



但是还有一个关键的步骤。您绝对需要创建一个以您的CloudFront分配的默认域名(例如d111jozxyqk.cloudfront.net)命名的存储桶,以避免设置可利用的场景。这不是安全漏洞,而是一个计费漏洞。如何配置此存储桶并没有多大区别,但是拥有存储桶以便其他任何人都无法创建它很重要。为什么?因为使用此配置,直接发送到您的CloudFront分配的默认域名(而不是您的自定义域)的请求将导致S3返回该存储桶名称的No Such Bucket错误 。如果有人发现您的设置,他们可以创建该存储桶,您将通过CloudFront发行版支付他们的所有数据流量。创建存储桶,然后将其保留为空(以便返回错误),或者将其设置为重定向到您的主网站。