James|23-jul-18|24-jul-18|25-jul-18| | | |03-aug-18
James|23-jul-18|24-jul-18|25-jul-18 |03-aug-
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub DeleteBlanks()
Dim rSearch As Range
Dim rFound As Range
Dim rDel As Range
Dim sFirst As String
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
'Get search range, have user select rows
On Error Resume Next
Set rSearch = Application.InputBox("Select the rows to delete blanks", "Delete Blank Range Selection", Selection.Address, Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If rSearch Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Pressed cancel
'Limit search range to only populated area
Set rFound = rSearch.Find("*", rSearch.Cells(1), xlValues, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious)
If Not rFound Is Nothing Then LastRow = rFound.Row Else LastRow = rSearch.Row + rSearch.Rows.Count - 1
Set rFound = rSearch.Find("*", rSearch.Cells(1), xlValues, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
If Not rFound Is Nothing Then LastCol = rFound.Column Else LastCol = rSearch.Column + rSearch.Columns.Count - 1
Set rSearch = rSearch.Parent.Range(rSearch.Cells(1), rSearch.Parent.Cells(LastRow, LastCol))
'Search for blanks
Set rFound = rSearch.Find("", rSearch.Cells(rSearch.Cells.Count), xlValues, xlWhole, , xlNext)
If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
sFirst = rFound.Address
If Not rDel Is Nothing Then Set rDel = Union(rDel, rFound) Else Set rDel = rFound
Set rFound = rSearch.FindNext(rFound)
Loop While sFirst <> rFound.Address
End If
'Delete all blanks found, shifting cells to left
If Not rDel Is Nothing Then rDel.Delete xlShiftToLeft
End Sub