我正在尝试使用Android中的Camera 2 API创建自定义相机。但是,相机2在MotoX4中不起作用。我曾尝试使用其他设备,例如GalaxyS9,Pixel 2 XL和Samsung S3标签,并且在其他地方效果很好。浏览MotoX4中的日志时,我发现了这一点:
10-09 16:33:47.933 826-27961/? E/camera_sof: ================ BEGIN SOF DEBUG DUMP ================
**********clock start**********
opendir clk fails
================ END SOF DEBUG DUMP ================
10-09 16:33:47.993 851-975/? E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/clk_scaling/enable with 1
return value 2
10-09 16:33:50.433 826-27935/? E/mm-camera: <MCT ><ERROR> 117: mct_bus_sof_thread_run: FATAL Session 3: SOF Freeze! Sending error message
10-09 16:33:50.434 826-27873/? E/mm-camera: <MCT ><ERROR> 823: mct_controller_send_cb: FATAL: Sending HW_Error
10-09 16:33:50.434 826-27894/? E/QCamera: <HAL><ERROR> camEvtHandle: 905: Fatal, camera daemon died
10-09 16:33:50.436 826-23517/? E/QCamera: <HAL><ERROR> processCaptureRequest: 6121: Unblocked on timeout!!!!
10-09 16:33:50.436 826-23517/? E/CamDevSession@3.2-impl: processOneCaptureRequest: HAL process_capture_request call failed!
10-09 16:33:50.436 1117-27902/? E/Camera3-Device: Camera 0: sendRequestsBatch: RequestThread: Unable to submit capture request 3 to HAL device: Function not implemented (-38)
10-09 16:33:50.526 1117-27902/? E/ProcessCallStack: getThreadName: Failed to open /proc/self/task/27903/comm
10-09 16:33:50.527 1117-6508/? E/Camera3-Device: Camera 0: clearStreamingRequest: Device has encountered a serious error
10-09 16:33:50.527 1117-6508/? E/Camera3-Device: Camera 0: disconnect: Shutting down in an error state
10-09 16:33:50.527 826-23517/? E/CamDevSession@3.2-impl: close: trying to close while there are still 3 inflight buffers!
close: trying to close while there are still 3 inflight RAW boost overrides!
10-09 16:33:50.528 851-975/? E/ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
10-09 16:33:50.529 851-975/? E/ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [4, 0]
10-09 16:33:50.529 851-975/? E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Write 4:-1 into /sys/module/msm_performance/parameters/max_cpus
10-09 16:33:50.566 826-27872/? E/mm-camera: <MCT ><ERROR> 1475: mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Daemon already died, not processing set params
10-09 16:33:50.566 826-23517/? E/mm-camera: <SHIM ><ERROR> 422: mct_shimlayer_handle_parm: HAL event processing failed
<SHIM ><ERROR> 598: mct_shimlayer_process_event: Failed to process HAL parm command
10-09 16:33:50.566 826-23517/? E/QCamera: <HAL><ERROR> ~QCamera3HardwareInterface: 817: set_parms failed for unconfigure
10-09 16:33:50.590 851-975/? E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Write -1:-1 into /sys/module/msm_performance/parameters/max_cpus