'create session
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim newMail As Object
Dim Emailto, sendfrom As String
'create reply
Dim convo As Conversation
Dim convoItem
Dim entry As String
For J = ws.Cells(5, "C").Value To ws.Cells(6, "C").Value
'get value from combo box
If combovalue = "First Reminder" Then
'MsgBox combovalue
'set a reply
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutNS = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
entry = ws.Cells(J, "G")
Set mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on mail item
Set convo = mail.GetConversation 'get handle on existing conversation
Set convoItem = convo.GetRootItems(1) 'get convo root item
Set newMail = convoItem.Reply 'new email as reply to convo
Emailto = ws.Cells(J, "D").Value
sendfrom = "email"
On Error Resume Next
With newMail
.SendUsingAccount = sendfrom
.To = Emailto
.Subject = "Test"
.VotingOptions = "Acknowledge;"
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "Body here"
.Send 'or use .Display to open Outlook's new message window before sending
ws.Cells(J, "T").Value = Date
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutApp = Nothing
Set newMail = Nothing
End If
If combovalue = "Second Reminder" Then
'MsgBox ("Correct")
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutNS = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
entry = ws.Cells(J, "Z")
Set mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on mail item
Set convo = mail.GetConversation 'get handle on existing conversation
Set convoItem = convo.GetRootItems(1) 'get convo root item
Set newMail = convoItem.Reply 'new email as reply to convo
Emailto = ws.Cells(J, "D").Value
sendfrom = "email"
On Error Resume Next
With newMail
.SendUsingAccount = sendfrom
.To = Emailto
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Test"
.VotingOptions = "Acknowledge;"
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "Body here"
.Send 'or use .Display to open Outlook's new message window before sending
ws.Cells(J, "U").Value = Date
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutApp = Nothing
Set newMail = Nothing
End If
Next J
编辑 示例:
1。父电子邮件条目ID AABJ23
2.first提醒将entryID设置为AABJ23来回复父级电子邮件 然后在发送电子邮件ABBJ54
答案 0 :(得分:0)
If comboValue = "First Reminder" Then
entry = ws.Cells(j, "G") ' entryID of the parent mail
Set Mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on parent mail
Set newMail = Mail.reply 'new email as reply to parent mail
End If
If comboValue = "Second Reminder" Then
entry = ws.Cells(j, "Z") ' entryID of first reminder
Set Mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on first reminder item
Set newMail = Mail.reply 'new email as reply to first reminder
End If