我正在使用VBA程序,我想复制一定范围的单元格,然后将其粘贴到新的工作表中,标题是文本“ Delivery for”之后的字符串
例如我想复制“ Delivery for Sam”下的范围和 新的工作表应为“山姆”
Dim N as long
N = Range(Cells(rcell, Col_Western).End(xlDown).Row)
With ActiveSheet
For rcell = 1 To lastrow
If InStr(1, Cells(rcell, Col_Western), "Delivery for", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
Range(ActiveCell & N).Select
Selection.Copy After:=Worksheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "QBS"
End If
Next rcell
End With
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Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim sourceSheet as worksheet
'Change this to the name of the sheet which contains the data you want to separate by name. I assume Sheet1'
Set sourceSheet = Thisworkbook.worksheets("Sheet1")
With sourceSheet
Dim westernColumn as long
' If this can change (based on the location of the data), you need to work out some logic to assign it dynamically. If this does not change, turn it into a constant and assign to whatever column number it should be. I arbitrarily pick column 5 (column E) as an example '
westernColumn = 5
Dim lastRow as long
lastRow = .cells(.rows.count, westernColumn).end(xlup).row
End with
Dim rowIndex as long
Dim deliveryName as string
Dim characterIndex as long
For rowIndex = 1 to lastRow
characterIndex = InStr(1, sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn).value2, "Delivery for ", vbBinaryCompare)
If characterIndex > 0 Then
deliveryName = VBA.strings.mid$(sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn).value2, characterindex + 13) '+13 is a magic number used to exclude "Delivery for " string itself, implement it in a better way if possible'
With thisworkbook.worksheets.add
' this line below might cause an error if a sheet with this name already exists or if deliveryName is illegal in some way. Maybe code some defensive checks before assigning sheet name.
.name = deliveryName
' This includes the "Delivery for " row when copy-pasting and assumes each there is a blank row before each "Delivery for " row. '
sourceSheet.range(sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn), sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn).end(xldown)).copy .range("A1")
End with
End if
' you should probably have two variables: startRow and endRow, where startRow = first "Delivery for ", and endRow = next "Delivery for "
' but I don't have time to do this at the moment.'
Next rowIndex ' should increment rowIndex by number of rows pasted - 1, so that pasted rows are not needlessly checked for "Delivery for " string '
End sub