
时间:2018-10-08 23:54:10

标签: python google-api google-street-view

我正在使用django,需要从Google街景中获取图片。 我已经从google文档中阅读了几乎所有有关它的内容,但是即使是他们的python代码示例也无法为我工作。




import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
import imghdr
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests

def sign_url(input_url=None, secret=None):

    if not input_url or not secret:
        raise Exception("Both input_url and secret are required")

    url = urlparse(input_url)

    # We only need to sign the path+query part of the string
    url_to_sign = url.path + "?" + query

    # Decode the private key into its binary format
    # We need to decode the URL-encoded private key
    decoded_key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(secret)

    # Create a signature using the private key and the URL-encoded
    # string using HMAC SHA1. This signature will be binary.
    signature = hmac.new(decoded_key, url_to_sign.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1)

    # Encode the binary signature into base64 for use within a URL
    encoded_signature = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature.digest())

    original_url = url.scheme + "://" + url.netloc + url.path + "?" + query

    # Return signed URL
    return original_url + "&signature=" + encoded_signature.decode('utf-8')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_url = “” # URL, you can find one from google docs because I cannot provide my api token
    secret = “” # SAME WITH SECRET TOKEN
    url = sign_url(input_url, secret)
    req = requests.post(url=url)
    photo_type = imghdr.what("", req.content)
    query = "file"
    photo_name = (query + "." + photo_type).replace(" ", "_")
    with open(photo_name, "wb") as photo:


如果您不知道我在说什么,请链接到Google文档 https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/streetview/intro

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