具有合并下拉菜单的Google Spreadsheet动态条件格式

时间:2018-10-08 17:06:44

标签: google-sheets gs-conditional-formatting









  1. 有没有办法以一种有效的方式为合并后的单元格的所有单元格赋予合并后的单元格的值?
  2. 是否有更好的方法使我的条件格式代码适用于合并的单元格?


Product items collected sheet link(显示问题和解决方案!)

Product items collected sheet image (Version 1)

Product items collected sheet image (Version 2)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




Helper Column before and after



function so5270705902() {

    // basic declarations
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    // note this is going to work on the second sheet in the spreadsheet - this can be edited.
    var sheet = ss.getSheets()[1];

    // Column B contains no merged cells, and always contains data (it is the BOM for the Products).
    // so we'll use it to established the last row of data.
    var Bvals = sheet.getRange("B1:B").getValues();
    var Blast = Bvals.filter(String).length;

    // Row 1 is a header row, so data commences in Row 2 - this can be edited
    var dataStart = 2;
    // Logger.log("the last row in column D = "+Blast);// DEBUG

    // set up to loop through the rows of Column F
    var mergedcellvalue = "";

    for (i = dataStart; i < (Blast + 1); i++) {

        // set the range for the row
        var range = sheet.getRange(i, 6);
        //Logger.log("row#"+i+" = "+range.getA1Notation()); DEBUG

        // get the value in column E
        var ECell = range.offset(0, -1);
        var ECellVal = ECell.getValue();
        //Logger.log("offsetrange#"+i+" range value = "+ECellVal);
        //Logger.log("Column E, row#"+i+", value = "+ECell.getA1Notation()+" range value = "+ECellVal);//DEBUG

        // when a row is merged, on the top row contains any data
        // so we'll evaluate to see whether there is any value in this row in Column E
        if (ECell.isBlank()) {

            //Logger.log("ECell is blank. We're in the middle of the Merged Cell"); ??DEBUG

            // Set the value to the lastes value of "mergedcellvalue"

        } else {

            //Logger.log("ECell has a value. We're at the top of the merged cell");//DEBUG

            // paste the ECellVal into this range

            // Update the "mergedcellvalue" variable so that it can be applied against lower cells of this merged cell
            mergedcellvalue = ECellVal;

        } // end of the if isblank

    } // end of the loop through column F




处理时间长的主要原因(大约80秒)是因为循环中存在getValue语句-var ECellVal = ECell.getValue();。每个实例大约花费0.2秒。在循环中包含getValue是典型的性能错误。我的错。因此,我修改了代码以获取列E的值之前循环
var Evals = sheet.getRange("e2:E").getValues();

当执行时间保持在同一水平时,我感到很惊讶。原因是isBlank评估-if (ECell.isBlank()) {以前完全没有时间,现在每个实例消耗@ 0.2秒。不好++。因此,在搜索Stack Overflow之后,我将这一行修改如下:
if (!Evals[(i-dataStart)][0]) {



function so5270705903() {

    // basic declarations
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    // note this is going to work on the second sheet in the spreadsheet - this can be edited.
    var sheet = ss.getSheets()[2];

    // Column B contains no merged cells, and always contains data (it is the BOM for the Products).
    // so we'll use it to established the last row of data.
    var Bvals = sheet.getRange("B1:B").getValues();
    var Blast = Bvals.filter(String).length;

    // Row 1 is a header row, so data commences in Row 2 - this can be edited
    var dataStart = 2;
    // Logger.log("the last row in column D = "+Blast);// DEBUG

    // set up to loop through the rows of Column F
    var mergedcellvalue = "";

    // get the values for Column E BEFORE the loop
    var Evals = sheet.getRange("e2:E").getValues();

    for (i = dataStart; i < (Blast + 1); i++) {

        // set the range for the row
        var range = sheet.getRange(i, 6);
        //Logger.log("row#"+i+" = "+range.getA1Notation()); DEBUG

        // get the value in column E
        var ECell = range.offset(0, -1);

        var ECellVal = Evals[(i - dataStart)][0];

        //Logger.log("Column E, row#"+i+", value = "+ECell.getA1Notation()+" range value = "+ECellVal);//DEBU

        // when a row is merged, on the top row contains any data
        // so we'll evaluate to see whether there is any value in this row in Column E
        // instead is isblank, which was talking 0.2 seconds to evaluate, this if is more simple
        if (!Evals[(i - dataStart)][0]) {

            //Logger.log("ECell is blank. We're in the middle of the Merged Cell"); //DEBUG

            // Set the value to the lastes value of "mergedcellvalue"

        } else {

            //Logger.log("ECell has a value. We're at the top of the merged cell");//DEBUG

            // paste the ECellVal into this range

            // Update the "mergedcellvalue" variable so that it can be applied against lower cells of this merged cell
            mergedcellvalue = ECellVal;

        } // end of the if isblank

    } // end of the loop through column F




function reloadCreatedCells() {

  // Basic declarations.
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  // Note this is going to work on the second sheet in the spreadsheet - this can be edited.
  var sheet = ss.getSheets()[1];

  // Column B contains no merged cells, and always contains data (it is the BOM for the Products).
  // so we'll use it to established the last row of data.
  var D_vals = sheet.getRange("D1:D").getValues();
  var D_last = D_vals.filter(String).length;

  // First row with data.
  var dataStart = 2;

  // Set up to loop through the rows of Column H - K.
  var mergedcellvalue = "";

  // Get the values for Column H - K BEFORE the loop.
  var H_K_vals = sheet.getRange("H2:K").getValues();

  // How many people we have.
  var people = 4;

  // The first vertical row.
  var rowStart = 12;

  // Horizontal rows.
  for (var h = 0; h < people; h++) {

    // Vertical rows.
    for (var v = dataStart; v < D_last; v++) {

      // Set the range for the row.
      var range = sheet.getRange(v, rowStart + h);
      // Logger.log(range.getA1Notation()); //DEBUG

      // Get the value in column H - K.
      var H_K_Cell = range.offset(0, -people);

      // Adding Created and not created values inside L - O.
      var H_K_CellVal = H_K_vals[(v - dataStart)][h];
      // Logger.log(H_K_Cell.getA1Notation() + ': ' + H_K_CellVal); //DEBUG

      // When a row is merged, the value is only inside the top row.
      // Therefore, you need to check if the value is empty or not.
      // If the value is empty. Place the top value of the merged cell inside the empty cell.
      if (!H_K_vals[(v - dataStart)][h]) {
        // Logger.log(H_K_Cell.getA1Notation() + ": is blank. We're below the top cell of the merged cell."); //DEBUG

        // Set the value to the top cell of the merged cell with "mergedcellvalue".

      } else {
        // Logger.log(H_K_Cell.getA1Notation() + ": has a value. We're at the top of the merged cell."); //DEBUG

        // Paste the H_K_CellVal into this range.

        // Update the "mergedcellvalue" variable, so that it can be applied against lower cells of this merged cell.
        mergedcellvalue = H_K_CellVal;

      } // end of the if isblank.

    } // End of the vertical row loop.
  } // End of the horizontal row loop.