我的任务是 “编写一个功能selectCoins,要求用户输入金额 (便士),然后输出每种面额的硬币数量(从2英镑起 到1p)应该用来精确地补足该金额(使用尽可能少的 硬币数量)。例如,如果输入为292,则该函数应报告: 1×£2、0×£1、1×50p,2×20p,0×10p,0×5p,1×2p,0×1p。 (提示:使用整数 除法和余数)。'
我是编程新手,因此在运行此代码时,它只是输入 当我键入292而不是它应输出的内容时,则为“ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0”。
答案 0 :(得分:5)
700 ÷ 200 = 3 (plus a remainder of 100)
700 mod 200 = 100
读为“ 700模200为100”或“整数除法700÷200的余数为100”。假设我从292
| 200 | 100 | 50 | 20 | 10 | 5 | 2 | 1 |
| I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII |
Write the value: 292
Start with the first bin (denomination: 200)
Pick 1 coin from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 200
The remainder is 92
Strike the previous value
The new value is 92
Move to the next bin (denomination: 100)
Pick 0 coins from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 0
The remainder is 92
Strike the previous value
The new value is 92
Move to the next bin (denomination: 50)
Pick 1 coin from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 50
The remainder is 42
Move to the next bin (denomination: 20)
Pick 2 coins from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 20
The remainder is 2
Move to the next bin (denomination: 10)
Pick 0 coins from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 0
The remainder is 2
Move to the next bin (denomination: 10)
Pick 0 coin from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 0
The remainder is 2
Move to the next bin (denomination: 5)
Pick 0 coin from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 0
The remainder is 2
Move to the next bin (denomination: 2)
Pick 1 coin from the bin
The total amount picked from the bin is 2
The remainder is 0
假设您使用的是Python 3.x,则需要了解一些运算符:
):如果仅用一个斜杠除,则将得到“实数除法”(例如3 / 2 == 1.5
),但是如果您使用双斜杠,则会得到“整数除法(例如3 // 2 = 1
):如上所述,该运算符返回除法的余数(例如7 % 4 == 3
292 // 200 == 2
292 % 200 == 92
92 // 100 == 0
92 % 100 == 92
# Initialize the value:
value = 292
# Initialize the denomination:
denomination = 200
# Calculate the amount of coins needed for the specified denomination
# and get the remainder (overwriting the value), in one single step:
coins, value = value // denomination, value % denomination
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# | The remainder
# The number of coins
# (using integer division)
此解决方案同时使用整数除法和余数来执行计算。def selectCoins(): twopound = 200 onepound = 100 fiftyp = 50 twentyp = 20 tenp = 10 fivep = 5 twop = 2 onep = 1 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0 d = 0 e = 0 f = 0 g = 0 h = 0 money = int(input('Enter how much money you have in pence')) # Example: 292 # Calculate the number of coins needed and the remainder # The remainder will "overwrite" the value previously held in the "money" variable a, money = money // twopound, money % twopound # a = 1, money = 92 b, money = money // onepound, money % onepound # b = 0, money = 92 c, money = money // fiftyp, money % fiftyp # c = 1, money = 42 d, money = money // twentyp, money % twentyp # d = 2, money = 2 e, money = money // tenp, money % tenp # e = 0, money = 2 f, money = money // fivep, money % fivep # f = 0, money = 2 g, money = money // twop, money % twop # g = 1, money = 0 e, money = money // onep, money % onep # e = 0, money = 0 print(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
面对现实:上面的代码是冗长的。一定有更好的方法……而且有!使用循环。 考虑一下算法:重复执行从一个容器到下一个容器的步骤,并获取所需的硬币数量和剩余的硬币数量。这可以写成一个循环。 因此,让我们在工具箱中添加一个
:然后将每个步骤的结果存储在第二个列表中:denominations = [200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1]
因此,从第一个“ bin”开始:coins = [] # We'll use the '.append()' method to add elements to this list
让我们将其循环:n, money = money // denominations[0] , money % denominations[0] coins.append(n)
就是这样!def select_coins_v2(): denominations = [200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1] coins = [] money = int(input('Enter how much money you have in pence')) for i in range(len(denominations)): n, money = money // denominations[i], money % denominations[i] coins.append(n) print(coins)
。如果面额值只能读取一次,那就太好了。 当然,有一种方法:正如我的一个朋友所说:“快速,准确,简洁;不要慢,漫不经心和混乱”def select_coins_v3(): denominations = [200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1] coins = [] money = int(input('Enter how much money you have in pence')) for d in denominations: # 'd' will hold the value of the denomination n, money = money // d, money % d coins.append(n) print(coins)
。a, b = 1, 2
denominations = [200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1]
n, money = money // denominations[0], money % denominations[0]
for d in denominations: n, money = money // d, money % d
def select_coins_v4(): denominations = [200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1] coins = [] money = int(input('Enter how much money you have in pence')) for d in denominations: # 'd' will hold the value of the denomination n, money = money // d, money % d coins.append(n) number_of_coins = dict(zip(denominations, coins)) print(number_of_coins)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
def get_one_change(amt_due):
# find how many of the largest denomination that you can use is
# ie for 60 = 1x50p is the count and number of largest
# for 4 = 4x1p ; 21 = 2x10p ; etc
return pence,count # ie 50,1 would be 1 50p coin
def get_change(amount_due):
changes_due = [] # to keep track
while amount_due:
pence,qty_of_coin = get_one_change(amount_due)
amount_due = amount_due - (pence*qty_of_coin)
return changes_due