嗨,我正在使用javascript +节点对WEBRTC语音聊天进行编码。当我使用Chrome(版本69.0.3497.100)测试我的应用程序时,它工作正常,但是当我尝试使用firefox(版本62.0.3)时,它给了我2条错误:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><meta charset="utf-8" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<title>Realtime communication with WebRTC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" />
<h1>Realtime communication with WebRTC</h1>
<div id="videoCanvas">
<video id="camera" autoplay playsinline></video>
<video id="remoteVideo" autoplay playsinline></video>
<canvas id="photo"></canvas>
<div id="Buttons2">
<button id="help">Help</button>
<div id="buttons">
<button id="snap">Snap</button><span> then </span><button id="send">Send</button><br />
<button id="join">Join</button>
<span> or </span>
<button id="snapAndSend">Snap & Send</button>
<div id="incoming">
<h2>Incoming photos</h2>
<div id="trail"></div>
<script src=" /socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
<script src="http://webrtc.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
'use strict';
* Initial setup
// var configuration = {
// 'iceServers': [{
// 'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'
// }]
// };
var configuration = null;
var localStream; //Stream local camera
var remoteStream; //Stream remote camera
var helpBtn = document.getElementById('help');
var camera = document.querySelector('#camera');
var remoteVideo = document.querySelector('#remoteVideo');
var photo = document.getElementById('photo');
var photoContext = photo.getContext('2d');
var trail = document.getElementById('trail'); //Incoming image holder
var snapBtn = document.getElementById('snap');
var sendBtn = document.getElementById('send');
var snapAndSendBtn = document.getElementById('snapAndSend');
var joinBtn = document.getElementById('join');
var photoContextW;
var photoContextH;
// Attach event handlers
snapBtn.addEventListener('click', snapPhoto);
sendBtn.addEventListener('click', sendPhoto);
snapAndSendBtn.addEventListener('click', snapAndSend);
helpBtn.addEventListener('click', createRoom);
joinBtn.addEventListener('click', joinRoom);
// Disable send buttons by default.
sendBtn.disabled = true;
snapAndSendBtn.disabled = true;
// Create a random room if not already present in the URL.
var isInitiator; //creator tag
function createRoom() {
var room = window.location.hash = randomToken();
socket.emit('create or join', room);
* Signaling server
// Connect to the signaling server
var socket = io.connect();
var rj; //RoomJoin
socket.on('ipaddr', function (ipaddr) {
console.log('Server IP address is: ' + ipaddr);
// updateRoomURL(ipaddr);
//Room created
socket.on('created', function (room, clientId) {
console.log('Created room', room, '- my client ID is', clientId);
isInitiator = true;
// grabWebCamVideo();
if (room) {
type: 'roomId',
id: room
//Guest joins room
socket.on('joined', function (room, clientId) {
console.log('This peer has joined room', room, 'with client ID', clientId);
isInitiator = false;
createPeerConnection(isInitiator, configuration);
//Room is full
socket.on('full', function (room) {
alert('Room ' + room + ' is full. We will create a new room for you.');
window.location.hash = '';
//Room is ready to create PeerConnection
socket.on('ready', function () {
console.log('Socket is ready');
createPeerConnection(isInitiator, configuration);
socket.on('log', function (array) {
console.log.apply(console, array);
socket.on('message', function (message) {
console.log('Client received message:', message);
if (location.hostname.match(/localhost|127\.0\.0/)) {
// Leaving rooms and disconnecting from peers
socket.on('disconnect', function (reason) {
console.log(`Disconnected: ${reason}.`);
sendBtn.disabled = true;
snapAndSendBtn.disabled = true;
socket.on('bye', function (room) {
console.log(`Peer leaving room ${room}.`);
sendBtn.disabled = true;
snapAndSendBtn.disabled = true;
// If peer did not create the room, re-enter to be creator
if (!isInitiator) {
window.addEventListener('unload', function () {
console.log(`Unloading window. Notifying peers in ${room}.`);
socket.emit('bye', room);
* Send message to signaling server
function sendMessage(message) {
console.log('Client sending message: ', message);
socket.emit('message', message);
function joinRoom() {
if (typeof rj === 'undefined') {
alert('There are no rooms to join, please create one!');
} else {
socket.emit('create or join', rj);
* Updates URL on the page so that users can copy&paste it to their peers.
// function updateRoomURL(ipaddr) {
// var url;
// if (!ipaddr) {
// url = location.href;
// } else {
// url = location.protocol + '//' + ipaddr + ':2013/#' + room;
// }
// roomURL.innerHTML = url;
// }
* User media (webcam)
//User Webcam + Microphone permission
//Return MediaStream
//function grabWebCamVideo() {
console.log('Getting user media (video) ...');
audio: true,
video: true
.catch(function (e) {
alert('getUserMedia() error: ' + e.name);
//Set the user Stream
function gotStream(stream) {
console.log('getUserMedia video stream URL:', stream);
localStream = stream;
window.stream = localStream; // stream available to console
camera.srcObject = localStream;
console.log('GOT STREAM LOCALSTREAM ' + localStream);
camera.onloadedmetadata = function () {
photo.width = photoContextW = camera.videoWidth;
photo.height = photoContextH = camera.videoHeight;
console.log('gotStream with width and height:', photoContextW, photoContextH);
* WebRTC peer connection and data channel
var peerConn;
var dataChannel;
function signalingMessageCallback(message) {
if (message.type === 'offer') {
console.log('Got offer. Sending answer to peer.');
peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message), function () { },
peerConn.createAnswer(onLocalSessionCreated, logError);
} else if (message.type === 'answer') {
console.log('Got answer.');
peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message), function () { },
} else if (message.type === 'candidate') {
peerConn.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: message.candidate
} else if (message.type === 'roomId') {
console.log("E' stata creata una Room per la VideoChat");
rj = message.id;
console.log("ID ROOM " + rj);
//Create the Peer2Peer connection
function createPeerConnection(isInitiator, config) {
console.log('Creating Peer connection as initiator?', isInitiator, 'config:',
peerConn = new RTCPeerConnection(config);
//Send any ice candidates to the other peer
peerConn.onicecandidate = handleIceCandidate;
//Stream received = set as remote stream
peerConn.ontrack = handleRemoteStreamAdded;
peerConn.onremovestream = handleRemoteStreamRemoved;
//I'm the initiator, I create the dataChannel
if (isInitiator) {
console.log('Creating Data Channel');
dataChannel = peerConn.createDataChannel('photos');
console.log('Creating an offer');
peerConn.createOffer(onLocalSessionCreated, logError);
} else {
//I'm the guest, I join the dataChannel
peerConn.ondatachannel = function (event) {
console.log('ondatachannel:', event.channel);
dataChannel = event.channel;
function handleIceCandidate(event) {
console.log('icecandidate event: ', event);
if (event.candidate) {
type: 'candidate',
label: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
id: event.candidate.sdpMid,
candidate: event.candidate.candidate
} else {
console.log('End of candidates.');
//Remote Stream handler
function handleRemoteStreamAdded(event) {
console.log('Remote stream added.');
window.stream = event.stream;
remoteStream = event.stream;
remoteVideo.srcObject = remoteStream;
function handleRemoteStreamRemoved(event) {
console.log('Remote stream removed. Event: ', event);
function onLocalSessionCreated(desc) {
console.log('local session created:', desc);
peerConn.setLocalDescription(desc, function () {
console.log('sending local desc:', peerConn.localDescription);
}, logError);
function onDataChannelCreated(channel) {
console.log('onDataChannelCreated:', channel);
channel.onopen = function () {
console.log('CHANNEL opened!!!');
sendBtn.disabled = false;
snapAndSendBtn.disabled = false;
channel.onclose = function () {
console.log('Channel closed.');
sendBtn.disabled = true;
snapAndSendBtn.disabled = true;
channel.onmessage = (adapter.browserDetails.browser === 'firefox') ?
receiveDataFirefoxFactory() : receiveDataChromeFactory();
function receiveDataChromeFactory() {
var buf, count;
return function onmessage(event) {
if (typeof event.data === 'string') {
buf = window.buf = new Uint8ClampedArray(parseInt(event.data));
count = 0;
console.log('Expecting a total of ' + buf.byteLength + ' bytes');
var data = new Uint8ClampedArray(event.data);
buf.set(data, count);
count += data.byteLength;
console.log('count: ' + count);
if (count === buf.byteLength) {
// we're done: all data chunks have been received
console.log('Done. Rendering photo.');
function receiveDataFirefoxFactory() {
var count, total, parts;
return function onmessage(event) {
if (typeof event.data === 'string') {
total = parseInt(event.data);
parts = [];
count = 0;
console.log('Expecting a total of ' + total + ' bytes');
count += event.data.size;
console.log('Got ' + event.data.size + ' byte(s), ' + (total - count) +
' to go.');
if (count === total) {
console.log('Assembling payload');
var buf = new Uint8ClampedArray(total);
var compose = function (i, pos) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
buf.set(new Uint8ClampedArray(this.result), pos);
if (i + 1 === parts.length) {
console.log('Done. Rendering photo.');
} else {
compose(i + 1, pos + this.result.byteLength);
compose(0, 0);
* Aux functions, mostly UI-related
function snapPhoto() {
photoContext.drawImage(camera, 0, 0, photo.width, photo.height);
show(photo, sendBtn);
function sendPhoto() {
// Split data channel message in chunks of this byte length
var CHUNK_LEN = 64000;
console.log('width and height ', photoContextW, photoContextH);
var img = photoContext.getImageData(0, 0, photoContextW, photoContextH),
len = img.data.byteLength,
n = len / CHUNK_LEN | 0;
console.log('Sending a total of ' + len + ' byte(s)');
if (!dataChannel) {
logError('Connection has not been initiated. ' +
'Get two peers in the same room first');
} else if (dataChannel.readyState === 'closed') {
logError('Connection was lost. Peer closed the connection.');
//Split the photo and send in chunks of about 64KB
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var start = i * CHUNK_LEN,
end = (i + 1) * CHUNK_LEN;
console.log(start + ' - ' + (end - 1));
dataChannel.send(img.data.subarray(start, end));
//Send the reminder, if any
if (len % CHUNK_LEN) {
console.log('last ' + len % CHUNK_LEN + ' byte(s)');
dataChannel.send(img.data.subarray(n * CHUNK_LEN));
function snapAndSend() {
function renderPhoto(data) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = photoContextW;
canvas.height = photoContextH;
//Trail is the element holding the incoming images
trail.insertBefore(canvas, trail.firstChild);
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var img = context.createImageData(photoContextW, photoContextH);
context.putImageData(img, 0, 0);
function show() {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (elem) {
elem.style.display = null;
function hide() {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (elem) {
elem.style.display = 'none';
function randomToken() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 1e16).toString(16).substring(1);
function logError(err) {
if (!err) return;
if (typeof err === 'string') {
} else {
console.warn(err.toString(), err);
即使我在html中找到了ADAPTER,Firefox仍然不断给我这些错误,有时它说不赞成在addstream上使用ontrack。我必须使用chrome和firefox,所以问题一定是ADAPTER版本的imho。 你怎么看?我应该使用哪个版本的firefox +适配器使其在Firegox + Chrome上运行?
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