
时间:2018-10-08 05:40:08

标签: c while-loop logical-operators

我正在为一个任务分配游戏,其中有2个玩家,每回合玩家掷出2个骰子。当我问玩家是否要再次滚动时,一切都从那里向南。我很困惑,因为即使我将rollAgain字符更改为'n',它仍然会在我希望其运行的循环中起作用,除非rollAgain'y'或{{1 }}。这是我用C语言编写的第一个程序,以前我只用Java编程过。我觉得我必须在while循环中错误地检查逻辑运算符,但是知道我在做什么错,我已经多次查看了所有代码。



如果掷出1,则认为玩家回合结束。 对于不确定的地方,我将不胜感激。在询问我是否要再次滚动之后,该代码才有了自己的想法。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>     // NULL constant, srand() & rand() functions
#include <time.h>       // access your computer’s clock time

// function prototype statements
int rollDice();
int calcPoints(int die1, int die2);
char checkOne(int die1, int die2);

int main()
    int p1Score = 0;
    int p2Score = 0;
    int turnTotal = 0;
    char rollAgain = 'Y';
    char rolled1 = 'N';
    int die1;
    int die2;

    printf("Welcome to the Pig Game. Each turn the player rolls two dice repeatedly until a single 1 is rolled or the player holds.\n\n");
    printf("If a single 1 is rolled all points are lost. If the player holds, all earned points are kept.\n");
    printf("If double 1's are rolled 25 points are earned, if any other doubles are rolled the value is doubled.\n");
    printf("Player 1 has an advantage because they get to go first, the youngest player gets to be Player 1.\n\n");
    printf("First player to 100 points wins, let the games begin!!!\n\n");

        //----------------------P1's turn starts----------------------------------------
        while ((rollAgain == 'Y' || rollAgain == 'y') && rolled1 == 'N')
            die1 = rollDice(); //roll die 1
            die2 = rollDice(); //roll die 2

            printf("Player 1 rolls %d, and %d\n", die1, die2);
            rolled1 = checkOne(die1, die2); //check if turn ending 1 is rolled if they did the below while loop will not run and the current while loop will end.

            if(rolled1 == 'N') //if a single 1 wasn't rolled calculate total for the turn
                turnTotal += calcPoints(die1, die2);

                printf("Player 1 your turn total so far is %d. Would you like to roll again?\n", turnTotal);
                scanf_s("%c", &rollAgain);


        //-------------------------P1's turn is now over---------------------------------
        if (rolled1 == 'Y')   //turnTotal isn't added to p1Score
            printf("Sorry Player 1 your turn is over because you rolled a 1 on a single die :(\n");
            printf("Your total score is now: %d.\n", p1Score);
        else //player1 must have held
            printf("Congratulations on scoring %d point this turn Player 1!\n", turnTotal);
            p1Score += turnTotal;
            printf("Your total score is now: %d.\n", p1Score);

        //reset variables to start p2s turn
        turnTotal = 0;
        rolled1 = 'N';
        rollAgain = 'Y';

        //----------------------P2's turn starts----------------------------------------
        while ((rollAgain == 'Y' || rollAgain == 'y') && rolled1 == 'N' && p1Score < 100) //player2's turn should not start if player 1 has already won the game so we must check p1's score as well
            int die1 = rollDice(); //roll die 1
            int die2 = rollDice(); //roll die 2

            printf("Player 2 rolls %d, and %d\n", die1, die2);
            rolled1 = checkOne(die1, die2); //check if turn ending 1 is rolled if it was the below while loop will not run and the current while loop will end.

            if(rolled1 == 'N') //if a single 1 wasn't rolled calculate total for the turn
                turnTotal += calcPoints(die1, die2);

                printf("Player 2 your turn total so far is %d. Would you like to roll again?\n", turnTotal);
                scanf_s("%c", &rollAgain);


        //-------------------------P2's turn is now over---------------------------------
        if (rolled1 == 'Y' && p1Score < 100)   //turnTotal isn't added to p1Score
            printf("Sorry Player 2 your turn is over because you rolled a 1 on a single die :(\n");
            printf("Your total score is now: %d.\n", p2Score);
        if (rolled1 == 'N' && p1Score < 100) //player2 must have held, use an if statement rather than else because we don't want this code to play if p1 has already won
            printf("Congratulations on scoring %d point this turn Player 2!\n", turnTotal);
            p2Score += turnTotal;
            printf("Your total score is now: %d.\n", p2Score);

        //reset variables for p1's turn
        turnTotal = 0;
        rolled1 = 'N';
        rollAgain = 'Y';

        //if either player's score is > 100 the game is now over so the game ending code will now play

    } while (p1Score < 100 && p2Score < 100);

    if (p1Score >= 100) //player 1 has won, congratulate them
        printf("Congratulations Player 1, you have won the game! Pat yourself on the back!\n");

    else //player 1 didn't win so player 2 must have won since there are no draws
        printf("Congratulations Player 2, you have won the game! You are awesome!\n");

    return 0; //end main

//function rollDice rolles the dice for the player using a random number between 1-6.
int rollDice()
    // seed the random number generator using the computers clock

    //generate a random number between 1-6
    int num = (rand() % 6) + 1;

    return num;

//function calcPoints that calculates how many points the player earned.
int calcPoints(int die1, int die2)
    int points;

    if (die1 == die2) //check if doubles were rolled
        //snake eyes = 25 points
        if (die1 == 1)
            points = 25;
        //regular doubles = the value on the dice *2
            points = (die1 + die2) * 2;
    else //doubled weren't rolled
        points = die1 + die2;

    return points;

//function checkOne that checks if the player rolled a single 1 during their turn.
char checkOne(int die1, int die2)
    if (die1 == 1 && die2 != 1)
        return 'Y';
    else if (die1 != 1 && die2 == 1)
        return 'Y';
        return 'N';


Player 1 rolls 2, and 2
Player 1 your turn total so far is 8. Would you like to roll again?
Player 1 rolls 3, and 3
Player 1 your turn total so far is 20. Would you like to roll again?
Congratulations on scoring 20 point this turn Player 1!
Your total score is now: 20.
Player 2 rolls 3, and 3
Player 2 your turn total so far is 12. Would you like to roll again?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • fflush(stdin);具有未定义的行为。只需删除此语句,它就不会占用stdin中的待处理输入。
  • scanf_s("%c", &rollAgain);将在输入流中读取挂起的换行符。要跳过它,您只需在格式字符串中添加一个空格,并且必须测试scanf_s是否成功,以避免在文件末尾出现未定义的行为:

    if (scanf_s(" %c", &rollAgain) != 1) {
        exit(1);   // unexpected end of file or some other error
  • 您不应在每次掷骰子时都重新初始化随机数生成器,而应在程序开始时仅一次(将srand()函数调用移至main函数的开头) ,并传递变化速度比clock()快得多的time(NULL)

    //function rollDice rolls the die for the player using a random number between 1-6.
    int rollDice() {
        //generate a random number between 1-6
       return (rand() % 6) + 1;