
时间:2018-10-07 20:54:35

标签: parse-platform parse-server livequery


我将LiveQuery添加为单独的C5.Large服务器。 Parse服务器和LiveQuery都在使用Redis传达更改,并且可以正常工作。


我正在寻找一些建议,以试图找出导致CPU使用率过高进而导致服务器崩溃的原因。需要明确的是,所有订阅工作都从Parse Server到LiveQuery,再到客户端。


  • 解析服务器版本:3.0.0
  • 解析客户端:2.1.0
  • 实时查询监控的类数:12
  • 使用角色ACL
  • 在客户端订阅中使用会话令牌

以下是配置Live Query服务器的方式:

let parseApi = new ParseServer({
    databaseURI: `mongodb://${config.get('/mongo/userName')}:${config.get('/mongo/password')}@${config.get('/mongo/uri')}`, // Connection string for your MongoDB database
    appId: config.get('/parse/appId'),
    masterKey: config.get('/parse/masterKey'), // Keep this key secret!
    serverURL: `${config.get('/port/webapp')}/parse`,
    logLevel: "ERROR",
    sessionLength: ONE_DAY, // in seconds. Set to 24 hours.
    schemaCacheTTL: ONE_MONTH_MS, //"The TTL for caching the schema for optimizing read/write operations. You should put a long TTL when your DB is in production. default to 5000; set 0 to disable."
    cacheTTL: ONE_DAY_MS, //"Sets the TTL for the in memory cache (in ms), defaults to 5000 (5 seconds)"
    cacheMaxSize: 1000000, //"Sets the maximum size for the in memory cache, defaults to 10000"
    enableSingleSchemaCache: true //"Use a single schema cache shared across requests. Reduces number of queries made to _SCHEMA. Defaults to false, i.e. unique schema cache per request."

// Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix
app.use('/parse', parseApi);

let port = config.get('/port/webapp');
let server = app.listen(port);

// Initialize a LiveQuery server instance, app is the express app of your Parse Server
if (config.get('/parseAppServerIsLocal')) {
    debug(`Starting Live Query Server on port ${config.get('/port/parseLiveQuery')}`);
    let httpServer = require('http').createServer(app);
    let liveQueryParams = {
        redisURL: config.get('/server/redis')
    let parseLiveQueryServer = ParseServer.createLiveQueryServer(httpServer,liveQueryParams);

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