barteksc AndroidPdfViewer库中的注释功能

时间:2018-10-05 10:03:08

标签: android pdfium




1)在现有库中, enableAnnotationRendering 方法的用途是什么。



                .scrollHandle(new DefaultScrollHandle(this))
                .onDraw(new OnDrawListener() {
                    public void onLayerDrawn(Canvas canvas, float pageWidth, float pageHeight, int displayedPage) {

                        // set a margin, otherwise depending on device resolution, border is not displayed (falls outside the component)
                        final float MARGIN = 1f;
                        // compute coordinates
                        float xLeft = (-1f * displayedPage * pageWidth) + MARGIN;
                        float xRight = (-1f * displayedPage * pageWidth) + pageWidth - MARGIN;
                        float yGlobalTop = MARGIN;
                        float yGlobalBottom = ((float) pdfView.getPageCount() * pageHeight) - MARGIN;
                        float yTop = (displayedPage * pageHeight) + MARGIN;
                        float yBottom = ((displayedPage + 1f) * pageHeight) - MARGIN;
                        // left vertical border
                        canvas.drawLine(xLeft,  yGlobalTop, xLeft,  yGlobalBottom, drawPaint);
                        // right vertical border
                        canvas.drawLine(xRight,  yGlobalTop, xRight,  yGlobalBottom, drawPaint);
                        // top origin horizontal border
                        canvas.drawLine(xLeft,  yGlobalTop, xRight,  yGlobalTop, drawPaint);
                        // bottom horizontal border up to current page - 2
                        for (int loopPage = 0; loopPage < (displayedPage - 1) && loopPage < pdfView.getPageCount(); loopPage++) {
                            float yLoopEnd = ((loopPage + 1f) * pageHeight) - MARGIN;
                            canvas.drawLine(xLeft,  yLoopEnd, xRight,  yLoopEnd, drawPaint);
                        // top and bottom horizontal borders for current page
                        // not in the loop to have correct borders when display page fills the screen
                        canvas.drawLine(xLeft,  yTop, xRight,  yTop, drawPaint);
                        canvas.drawLine(xLeft,  yBottom, xRight,  yBottom, drawPaint);
                        // bottom horizontal border up to last page
                        for (int loopPage = displayedPage + 1; loopPage < pdfView.getPageCount(); loopPage++) {
                            float yLoopEnd = ((loopPage + 1f) * pageHeight) - MARGIN;
                            canvas.drawLine(xLeft,  yLoopEnd, xRight,  yLoopEnd, drawPaint);
                .onDrawAll(new OnDrawListener() {
                    public void onLayerDrawn(Canvas canvas, float pageWidth, float pageHeight, int displayedPage) {

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