i/p array: 1. '"{aaBbCc"'
2. '"aaBbCc"'
预期的o / p:Aa Bb Cc
foreach ($input as $ip) {
$fieldName = str_replace("{", "", $ip);
$fieldName = preg_replace("/(?<!\A)[A-Z]+/", ' $0', $fieldName);
$fieldName = ucwords(str_replace(["'", "\"", """], "", $fieldName))
2 input array 1. ' "\"Tennessee\" OR \"North Carolina\""'
2. '"total_amount"'
3. '"Yes"}'
预期o / p:“田纳西州”或“北卡罗来纳州”,“总金额”,“是”
foreach ($input2 as $ip2) {
$criteria = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ %\[\]\.\(\)%&-]/s', '', $ip2);
$criteria = substr($criteria,5, -5); //for some reason double quotes come as "es so substring 5.
//I did try trim
//this may contain other specail characters in name like ampersand, hyphen.in end I want double quotes around each word and split the string with comma delimiter.
3. $str = '{"name":"\"PAA Mgmnt , LLC\" OR \"48 S. 4th, LLC\" OR \"ABC Home Furnishings, Inc.\"","range":"total_sales"}'
req o/p: "name": "PAA Mgmnt , LLC" OR "48 S. 4th, LLC"OR "ABC Home Furnishings, Inc."
"range": "total_sales"