感谢您的答复。但是,我仍然无法解决我的问题,因为我的数据集包含700,000个观测值,并且以下所有方法都会导致错误,或者只是继续运行数小时而没有完成操作(我可以说Rstudio R Session正在运行,并且消耗了我大量的RAM,但根本没有任何作用。
id name year
1 c af 2000
2 c el 2000
3 c in 2000
4 c ud 2000
5 d ot 2000
6 d an 2000
7 d el 2000
8 d un 2000
9 f yt 2002
10 f ip 2002
11 f ot 2002
12 f el 2002
13 g yt 2003
14 g af 2003
15 g ol 2003
16 g in 2003
17 h in 2003
18 h eg 2003
19 h yt 2003
20 h af 2003
21 j ot 2004
22 j el 2004
23 j ip 2004
24 j yt 2004
我正在寻找一个函数,该函数将允许我按id对数据进行分组,如果一个id至少包含 个先前的id中的三个名称,则返回值“ 1”。上一个ID的意思是,上一个ID的年份要小于当前ID的年份。
id name year dummy
1 c af 2000 0
2 c el 2000 0
3 c in 2000 0
4 c ud 2000 0
5 d ot 2000 0
6 d an 2000 0
7 d el 2000 0
8 d un 2000 0
9 f yt 2002 0
10 f ip 2002 0
11 f ot 2002 0
12 f el 2002 0
13 g yt 2003 0
14 g af 2003 0
15 g ol 2003 0
16 g in 2003 0
17 h in 2003 0
18 h eg 2003 0
19 h yt 2003 0
20 h af 2003 0
21 j ot 2004 1
22 j el 2004 1
23 j ip 2004 1
24 j yt 2004 1
id =“ j”具有值dummy =“ 1”,因为在id =“ f”中至少出现三个名称,分别是“ yt”,“ ip”和“ ot”。在这种情况下,还会出现第四个名称“ el”,但这不会影响结果。
请注意,即使id =“ g”中也出现了三个名称,id =“ h”的值仍为dummy =“ 0”。这是因为这两次发生都发生在2003年,因此不能满足单独年份的条件。
DF = structure(list(id = c("c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d",
"f", "f", "f", "f", "g", "g", "g", "g", "h", "h", "h", "h", "j",
"j", "j", "j"), name = c("af", "el", "in", "ud", "ot", "an",
"el", "un", "yt", "ip", "ot", "el", "yt", "af", "ol", "in", "in",
"eg", "yt", "af", "ot", "el", "ip", "yt"), year = c(2000L, 2000L,
2000L, 2000L, 2000L, 2000L, 2000L, 2000L, 2002L, 2002L, 2002L,
2002L, 2003L, 2003L, 2003L, 2003L, 2003L, 2003L, 2003L, 2003L,
2004L, 2004L, 2004L, 2004L), dummy = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L)), .Names = c("id", "name", "year", "dummy"), row.names = c(NA,
-24L), class = "data.frame")
答案 0 :(得分:3)
n <- split(DF$name, DF$id)
m1 <- sapply(n, function(s1) sapply(n, function(s2) sum(s1 %in% s2) ))
diag(m1) <- 0
m1[upper.tri(m1)] <- 0
r1 <- rownames(m1)[!!rowSums(m1 > 2)]
y <- sapply(split(DF$year, DF$id), unique)
m2 <- sapply(y, function(s1) sapply(y, function(s2) +(s1 == s2) ))
diag(m2) <- 0
m2[upper.tri(m2)] <- 0
r2 <- rownames(m2)[!rowSums(m2)]
DF$dummy2 <- as.integer(DF$id %in% intersect(r1,r2))
> DF id name year dummy dummy2 1 c af 2000 0 0 2 c el 2000 0 0 3 c in 2000 0 0 4 c ud 2000 0 0 5 d ot 2000 0 0 6 d an 2000 0 0 7 d el 2000 0 0 8 d un 2000 0 0 9 f yt 2002 0 0 10 f ip 2002 0 0 11 f ot 2002 0 0 12 f el 2002 0 0 13 g yt 2003 0 0 14 g af 2003 0 0 15 g ol 2003 0 0 16 g in 2003 0 0 17 h in 2003 0 0 18 h eg 2003 0 0 19 h yt 2003 0 0 20 h af 2003 0 0 21 j ot 2004 1 1 22 j el 2004 1 1 23 j ip 2004 1 1 24 j yt 2004 1 1
答案 1 :(得分:2)
/ ==
/ rowSums
/ library(data.table)
idDT = unique(DF[, .(id, year)])
setkey(idDT, id)
s = split(DF$name, DF$id)
# identify pairs of ids, where id1 appears before id2 in the table
pairsDT = idDT[, CJ(id1 = id, id2 = id)[id1 < id2]]
# record whether it's strictly before
pairsDT[, earlier := idDT[id1, x.year] < idDT[id2, x.year]]
# if it's strictly before, compare number of matching elements
pairsDT[earlier == TRUE, matched :=
mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(x, y)), s[id1], s[id2]) >= 3
dum_ids = pairsDT[matched == TRUE, unique(id2)]
idDT[, dum := id %in% dum_ids]
DF[, dum := id %in% dum_ids]
在基数R中,可以使用zoo <- matrix (c("zoo1", "bee", "honeybee", "alligator", "tiger", 0,
"zoo2", "tiger", "honeybee", "lion", 0, 0,
"zoo3", "alligator", "alligator", "alligator",
"bee", "wasp", "zoo4", "wasp", "honeybee", 0, 0, 0,
"zoo5", "alligator", "lion", "tiger", "bear", 0),
nrow = 5, ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(zoo) <- c("zoo", "A", "B", "C","D","E")
zoo <- data.frame(zoo)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
test <- function(x){
out2 <- sapply(1:length(x), function(j){
out <- sapply(1:j, function(i){
sum(x[[j]] %in% x[[i]])
which(out >= 3) %>% min() %>% {ifelse(is.infinite(.),NA,.)}
DF2 <- DF %>% group_by(id, year) %>%
summarise(names = list(name)) %>% ungroup() %>%
mutate(dummy2 = test(names)) %>%
mutate(year_mch = year[dummy2],
dummy = year_mch < year) %>%
答案 3 :(得分:1)
因此,此解决方案是纯R的基础。我曾经读过一篇文章,声称使用. <-
. <- DF[c('id', 'name', 'year')]
. <- merge(., ., by = 'name')
. <- .[.["id.x"] != .["id.y"] & .["year.x"] < .["year.y"],]
. <- .[c('id.x', 'id.y', 'year.x', 'year.y', "name")]
.$n <- 1
. <- aggregate(n ~ id.x + id.y, data = ., sum)
. <- .[.['n'] >= 3, 'id.y']
DF$dummy2 <- . == DF$id
答案 4 :(得分:1)
#create a integer column out of id for non-equi join later
setDT(DF)[, nid := rleid(id)]
#convert name into an integer code
DF[DF[,.(name=unique(name))][, IntCode := .I], iname := IntCode, on=.(name)]
NumericVector hasOccur(NumericVector nid, NumericVector year, List iname) {
List namelist(iname);
int sz = namelist.size(), i, j, m, n, nPrev, nCurr, count;
NumericVector res(sz);
for(i=0; i<sz; i++) {
for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
if (nid[j] < nid[i] && year[j] < year[i]) {
SEXP prevList = namelist[j];
SEXP currList = namelist[i];
NumericVector cl(currList);
NumericVector pl(prevList);
nPrev = pl.size();
nCurr = cl.size();
res[i] = 0;
count = 0;
for(m=0; m<nCurr; m++) {
for (n=0; n<nPrev; n++) {
if (cl[m] == pl[n]) {
if (count >= 3) {
res[i] = 1;
d <- DF[, .(.(nm=iname)), by=.(nid, year)]
DF[d[, dummy := hasOccur(d$nid, d$year, d$V1)], dummy := dummy, on=.(nid, year)]
#create a integer column out of id for non-equi join later
setDT(DF)[, nid := rleid(id)]
#self non-equi join
check3 <- DF[DF, .(x.id, x.name, x.year, x.nid, i.id, i.name, i.year, i.nid), on=.(nid<nid, year<year, name=name)][,
#count the number of occurrence in previous id and year
uniqueN(x.name, na.rm=TRUE), by=.(i.id, i.year, x.id, x.year)][,
#check if more than 3
any(V1 >= 3L), by=.(i.id, i.year)]
#update join to add result to original DF
DF[check3, dummy := as.integer(V1), on=c("id"="i.id", "year"="i.year")]
答案 5 :(得分:0)
解决方案。本质上,它将数据转换为有向树。仅将所有节点与层次结构中较高级别的节点进行比较。因此, C 是树的顶部,不与其他任何事物进行比较,而 J 是终端,并且与链中位于其上方的所有节点进行比较。要提取层次结构中较高的所有节点,您需要做的就是使用(深度优先搜索)dfs
#node list containing data specific to the group
nodelist <- DF %>%
group_by(id, year) %>%
#edge list containing connections. A group directly before a node points toward a future group
edgelist <- data.frame(
from = nodelist$id %>% .[1:(length(.)-1)],
to = nodelist$id %>% .[2:length(.)]
#create the data frame
g <- graph_from_data_frame(edgelist, T, nodelist)
#let's iterate through the nodes
dummy <- map_lgl(V(g)$name, function(vertex){
#depth first search to pull out all nodes higher up on the tree
full_path <- dfs(g, vertex, 'in', unreachable = F) %>%
.$order %>%
#if there is no node higher up, then we're done
if(length(full_path) <= 1) return(F)
#The first node returned is the node we're iterating over
this_vertex <- full_path[1]
other_vertices <- full_path[full_path != this_vertex]
#this is the logic for the dummy variable
similar_groups <- map_lgl(other_vertices, function(other_vertex){
(sum(this_vertex$data[[1]]$name %in% other_vertex$data$name) >= 3) &
(this_vertex$year[[1]] != other_vertex$year)
return(T %in% similar_groups)
V(g)$dummy2 <- dummy
as_data_frame(g, 'vertices') %>%
name year dummy2 name1 dummy
1 c 2000 FALSE af 0
2 c 2000 FALSE el 0
3 c 2000 FALSE in 0
4 c 2000 FALSE ud 0
5 d 2000 FALSE ot 0
6 d 2000 FALSE an 0
7 d 2000 FALSE el 0
8 d 2000 FALSE un 0
9 f 2002 FALSE yt 0
10 f 2002 FALSE ip 0
11 f 2002 FALSE ot 0
12 f 2002 FALSE el 0
13 g 2003 FALSE yt 0
14 g 2003 FALSE af 0
15 g 2003 FALSE ol 0
16 g 2003 FALSE in 0
17 h 2003 FALSE in 0
18 h 2003 FALSE eg 0
19 h 2003 FALSE yt 0
20 h 2003 FALSE af 0
21 j 2004 TRUE ot 1
22 j 2004 TRUE el 1
23 j 2004 TRUE ip 1
24 j 2004 TRUE yt 1