
时间:2018-10-03 15:08:19

标签: typescript

  • 我的类型为MrType<T extends boolean>
  • 我有一个功能MrFn(obj?: { lol: boolean }): MrType<typeof obj.lol>



type Magic<T> = T extends { lol: infer U } ? U : false;

const trueObj = { lol: true };
const falseObj = { lol: false };

// should pass
const a: Magic<typeof trueObj> = true; // ok
const b: Magic<typeof falseObj> = false; // ok
const c: Magic<{ lol: true }> = true; // ok
const d: Magic<{ lol: false }> = false; // ok

// should fail
const e: Magic<typeof falseObj> = true; // does not fail
const f: Magic<typeof trueObj> = false; // does not fail
const g: Magic<{ lol: false }> = true; // ok (fails)
const h: Magic<{ lol: true }> = false; // ok (fails)

我的trueObjfalseObj的属性推断为boolean,这意味着我的Magic<T>无法检测到您设置了true还是{{1 }}


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果值是可变的(并且constfunction makeLol<T extends boolean>(o: { lol: T }) { return o } const trueObj = makeLol({ lol: true }); // typed as { lol: true } const falseObj = makeLol({ lol: false }); // typed as { lol: false } ,则该对象仍是可变的),Typescript将不使用文字。


  var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
  sails.log.debug("try to send mail");
  var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport("SMTP", {
      service: "Gmail",
      auth: {
        XOAuth2: {
          user: "xxx@gmail.com", // Your gmail address.
          clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
          clientSecret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
          refreshToken: "REFRESH_TOKEN_YOU_JUST_FOUND"

  var mailOptions = {
      from: "xxx@gmail.com", // sender address
      to: RECEIVER_EMAIL", // list of receivers
      subject: "A_SUBJECT", // Subject line
      // text: ", // plaintext body
      html: htmlBody // html body
  // send mail
    smtpTransport.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info) {
      if (error) {
        return res.notOk({
          status: "error",
          msg: "Email sending failed"
      } else {
        console.log("Message %s sent: %s", info.messageId, info.response);
        return res.ok({
          status: "ok",
          msg: "Email sent"

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以在TypeScript 3.4+中使用新的as const类型断言来做到这一点:

type Magic<T> = T extends { lol: infer U } ? U : false;

const trueObj = { lol: true } as const;
const falseObj = { lol: false } as const;

// should pass
const a: Magic<typeof trueObj> = true; // ok
const b: Magic<typeof falseObj> = false; // ok
const c: Magic<{ lol: true }> = true; // ok
const d: Magic<{ lol: false }> = false; // ok

// should fail
const e: Magic<typeof falseObj> = true; // ok (fails)
const f: Magic<typeof trueObj> = false; // ok (fails)
const g: Magic<{ lol: false }> = true; // ok (fails)
const h: Magic<{ lol: true }> = false; // ok (fails)