
时间:2018-10-02 21:56:13

标签: r


write.table(df1, "C:/Users/ryans/OneDrive/Desktop/data_dump.txt", sep=",") 


Error in write.table(df, "C:/Users/ryans/OneDrive/Desktop/data_dump.txt",  : 
  unimplemented type 'list' in 'EncodeElement'


url   priority raw_subject via   generated_times~ recipient group_id tags     id
  <chr> <chr>    <chr>       <lis>            <int> <chr>        <int> <lis> <int>
1 http~ normal   Welcome to~ <lis~       15369 NA              NA <chr~    24


我认为问题来自名为“ custom_field”的字段,但我不确定。无论如何,该字段中的某些数据如下所示:

num raw_title   url raw_title_in_portal removable   id  system_field_options    raw_description editable_in_portal  position    _sdc_table_version  tag updated_at  required_in_portal  _sdc_received_at    title_in_portal _sdc_sequence   title   required    custom_field_options    type    created_at  active  sub_type_id _sdc_batched_at collapsed_for_agents    regexp_for_validation   description agent_description   visible_in_portal
19  Dataset Type    https:///3600.json  Dataset Type    TRUE    3600    []      FALSE   12  0       9/13/2018 22:50 FALSE   03:10.4 Dataset Type    15373945    Dataset Type    FALSE   [{'id': 36001, 'default': False, 'name': 'Public', 'raw_name': 'Public', 'value': 'public'}, {'id': 3600, 'default': False, 'name': 'Private', 'raw_name': 'Private', 'value': 'private'}]  tagger  9/13/2018 21:49 FALSE       03:19.3 FALSE               FALSE
20  Type of Dataset https:///3600.json  Type of Dataset TRUE    3600    []      FALSE   14  0       9/13/2018 22:50 FALSE   03:10.4 Type of Dataset 15373   Type of Dataset FALSE   [{'id': 36001, 'default': False, 'name': 'Public', 'raw_name': 'Public', 'value': 'public'}, {'id': 3600, 'default': False, 'name': 'Private', 'raw_name': 'Private', 'value': 'private'}]  tagger  9/13/2018 21:40 TRUE        03:19.3 FALSE           Type of Dataset FALSE
21  Type of Dataset https:///3600.json  Type of Dataset TRUE    3600    []      FALSE   14  0       9/19/2018 23:36 FALSE   58:29.3 Type of Dataset 15373   Type of Dataset FALSE   [{'id': 36001, 'default': False, 'name': 'Public', 'raw_name': 'Public', 'value': 'public'}, {'id': 3600, 'default': False, 'name': 'Private', 'raw_name': 'Private', 'value': 'private'}]  tagger  9/13/2018 21:40 TRUE        59:50.2 FALSE           Public or Private dataset?  FALSE

我认为问题源于名为“ custom_field_options”的字段。那是我的猜测。我认为整个数据帧,或者至少一个字段(custom_field_options)需要被强制...以某种方式。我认为将所有内容都转换为data.frame()可以解决问题,但显然不能解决,或者是另一个问题。如何正确解析此字段,以便可以导出数据?

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