I am trying to read the contents from the google sheet. I could read the content but the problem is I have to provide the name of sheet hard coded, in my case, there are two sheets one is Demo sheet
and Demo sheet 2
. In the below example, you can see the value for range i have provided hardcoded. Is there any way of finding the active sheet? There can be 10, 100 sheets. So, what is the way to get the selected(active) sheets so i can show the data of active sheets only?
Here is the code
export function load(callback) {
window.gapi.client.load("sheets", "v4", () => {
spreadsheetId: "1i08RnKMYnY4NutwoBnGm1bXlVP_WUif1e8e8fj0QHjw",
range: "Demo Sheet" // get active sheet here
.then(response => {
const data = response.result.values;
console.log("data", data);
class GoogleSheet extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
window.gapi.load("client", this.initClient);
initClient = () => {
// 1rFX4OKQ5zO5dFDl9fwBy3dJ3qlX4jlqNxsRS78wr0yE
apiKey: config.apiKey,
discoveryDocs: config.discoveryDocs
.then(() => {
console.log("init client");
onLoad = data => {
console.log("onLoad data", data);
render() {
return <React.Fragment>Google Sheets</React.Fragment>;
export default GoogleSheet;