我想创建一个Windows应用,使用Google Maps API计算两个城市之间的距离。
1-)我可以在C#Windows应用程序中调用此javascript代码。 2)或者我该如何在C#Windows应用程序中编写相同的功能
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var origin = "The Mary Glowrey Building, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy VIC 3065",
destination = "building k level/1 St John St, Prahran VIC 3181",
service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();
origins: [origin],
destinations: [destination],
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING,
avoidHighways: false,
avoidTolls: false
function callback(response, status) {
var orig = document.getElementById("orig"),
dest = document.getElementById("dest"),
dist = document.getElementById("dist");
if(status=="OK") {
orig.value = response.destinationAddresses[0];
dest.value = response.originAddresses[0];
dist.value = response.rows[0].elements[0].distance.text;
} else {
alert("Error: " + status);
Basic example for using the Distance Matrix.<br><br>
Origin: <input id="orig" type="text" style="width:35em"><br><br>
Destination: <input id="dest" type="text" style="width:35em"><br><br>
Distance from Statue of Liberty to Washington DC, USA (by car): <input id="dist" type="text" style="width:35em">