
时间:2018-09-29 00:43:26

标签: python windows anaconda jupyter-notebook

编辑:这似乎是一个伪造的问题。 conda install jupyter工作正常。在GitHub上已公开的问题:https://github.com/conda-forge/jupyter-feedstock/issues/6

长时间使用python Mac的用户。第一次使用python Windows的用户(Windows 7企业版)。





conda create -n test_env2 python=3.6
conda activate test_env2
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter
jupyter notebook

当我打开一个Ipython笔记本时,它显示“内核错误”: enter image description here


[E 18:53:32.420 NotebookApp] Failed to run command:
['C:/Users/131416/AppData/Local/Continuum/anaconda3/envs/test_env2/bin/python', '-m', 'ipykernel_launcher', '-f', 'C:\\Users\\131416\\AppData\\Roaming\\jupyter\\runtime\\kernel-99e95812-0a80-4772-94fc-e35563ce58e1.json']

  File "C:\Users\131416\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\test_env2\lib\subprocess.py", 
line 997, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

[E 18:53:32.498 NotebookApp] 500 POST /api/sessions (::1) 135.50ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Untitled.ipynb?kernel_name=python3

也许它与在基本环境中以及新环境中的jupyter.exe拾取jupyter.exe有关: enter image description here




(test_env2)C:\ Users \ 131416> jupyter笔记本[I 18:53:24.082   NotebookApp]从本地目录服务笔记本:C:\ Users \ 13 1416   [I 18:53:24.084 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook运行于:[I   18:53:24.085 NotebookApp]   http://localhost:8888/?token=2ecb94399a83d9dc1f8f11   6e0f28a46e297033c1fd796e23 [I 18:53:24.086 NotebookApp]使用Control-C   停止该服务器并关闭所有内核(两次跳过)   确认)。 [C 18:53:24.089 NotebookApp]

Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:

96e23 [I 18:53:24.384 NotebookApp]接受   一次性令牌认证的连接从rom :: 1 [W 18:53:31.615   NotebookApp] 404 GET / undefined(:: 1)12.00ms Referer = None [I   18:53:31.631 NotebookApp]在[E 18:53:32.420]中创建新笔记本   NotebookApp]无法运行命令:       ['C:/ Users / 131416 / AppData / Local / Continuum / anaconda3 / envs / test_env2 / bin / pytho   n','-m','ipykernel_launcher','-f',   'C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Roaming \ jupy   ter \ runtime \ kernel-99e95812-0a80-4772-94fc-e35563ce58e1.json']           PATH ='C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ tes   t_env2; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \   \ Library \ mingw-w64 \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3   \ envs \ test_env2 \ Library \ usr \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuu   m \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ Library \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ C   ontinuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ Scripts; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \   \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ C   ontinuum \ anaconda3; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ Lib   rary \ mingw-w64 \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ Li   brary \ usr \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ Library   \ bin; C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ Scripts; C:\ Users   \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ bin; c:\ Program Files   (x86)\ ca \   \ sc \ CAWIN \; C:\ ProgramData \ Oracle \ Java \ javapath; C:\ windows \ system32; C:\ w   indows; C:\ windows \ System32 \ Wbem; C:\ windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1。   0 \; C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Symantec \ VIP Access Client \; C:\ Program   文件(x8 6)\ IBM \ Client Access \ Emulator; C:\ Program Files   (x86)\ IBM \ Client Access \ Sh ared; C:\ Program Files   (x86)\ IBM \ Client Access \; C:\ Program Files(x86)\ WebE   x \生产力工具; c:\ Program文件   (x86)\ CA \ SC \ Csam \ SockAdapter \ bin; c:\ Program文件   (x86)\ CA \ SC \ Csam \ SockAdapter \ bin64; c:\ Program Files(x86)\   \ ca \ sc \ CBB \; c:\ Program文件   (x86)\ ca \ DSM \ bin; c:\ PROGRA〜2 \ ca \ sc \ CAM \ bin; C:\ Program   Files \ Intel \ WiFi \ bin \; C:\ Program Files \ Common Files \ Intel   \ WirelessCommon \; C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft VS Code \ bin'           与kwargs:       {'stdin':-1,'stdout':无,'stderr':无,'cwd':'C:\ Users \ 131416'}


[E 18:53:32.441 NotebookApp]未捕获的异常POST / api / sessions   (:: 1)       HTTPServerRequest(protocol ='http',host ='localhost:8888',method ='POST',uri   ='/ api / sessions',版本='HTTP / 1.1',remote_ip =':: 1')       追溯(最近一次通话):         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ web.py”,行159,在_execute中           结果=产量结果         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1133,正在运行           值= future.result()         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1141,正在运行           产生= self.gen.throw(* exc_info)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ notebook \ services \ sessions \ handlers.py“,第73行,在   发布           type = mtype))         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1133,正在运行           值= future.result()         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1141,正在运行           产生= self.gen.throw(* exc_info)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ notebook \ services \ sessions \ sessionmanager.py“,第79行,   在创造   _session           kernel_id = yield self.start_kernel_for_session(session_id,路径,名称,类型,kernel_name)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1133,正在运行           值= future.result()         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1141,正在运行           产生= self.gen.throw(* exc_info)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ notebook \ services \ sessions \ sessionmanager.py“,第92行,   在start_ kernel_for_session中           self.kernel_manager.start_kernel(路径=内核路径,kernel_name =内核_我)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,行1133,正在运行           值= future.result()         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ tornado \ gen.py“,第326行,在包装器中           产生=下一个(结果)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ notebook \ services \ kernels \ kernelmanager.py“,第160行,   在start_k ernel中           超级(MappingKernelManager,self).start_kernel(** kwargs)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ jupyter_client \ multikernelmanager.py“,第110行,在   start_kernel           km.start_kernel(** kwargs)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ jupyter_client \ manager.py“,第259行,位于start_kernel中           **千瓦)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ jupyter_client \ manager.py“,第204行,在_launch_kernel中           返回launch_kernel(kernel_cmd,** kw)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ site-packages \ jupyter_client \ launcher.py“,第128行,在launch_kernel中           proc = Popen(cmd,** kwargs)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ subprocess.py”,第709行, init           restore_signals,start_new_session)         文件“ C:\ Users \ 131416 \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ anaconda3 \ envs \ test_env2 \ lib   \ subprocess.py”,行_execute_child中的第997行           startupinfo)       FileNotFoundError:[WinError 2]系统找不到指定的文件[W 18:53:32.480 NotebookApp]未处理的错误[E 18:53:32.482   NotebookApp] {         “ Accept”:“ application / json,text / javascript, / ; q = 0.01”,         “ Content-Type”:“ application / json”,         “ X-Xsrftoken”:“ 2 | d69ec7c3 | 9a70043f110f803ee6ab3273dd14309a | 1538153699”,         “ X-Requested-With”:“ XMLHttpRequest”,         “ Referer”:“ http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Untitled.ipynb?kernel_name=pyt hon3”,         “接受语言”:“ en-US”,         “ Accept-Encoding”:“ gzip,deflate”,         “ User-Agent”:“ Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident / 7.0; rv:11.0),例如Gecko”,         “ Host”:“ localhost:8888”,         “ Content-Length”:“ 91”,         “连接”:“保持活动”,         “ Cache-Control”:“ no-cache”,         “ Cookie”:“ username-localhost-8888 = \” 2 | 1:0 | 10:1538175204 | 23:username-local   主机8888 | 44:Y2MwOTgzODhmZDZhNGE4NzhmM2Q2NWJjMDI2MjVjZjc = | a3c49f08f13669a523498b   9125cf42ce7eaab53181c1441544fcf533a94545da \“;   _xsrf = 2 | d69ec7c3 | 9a70043f110f803ee 6ab3273dd14309a | 1538153699; username-localhost-8889 = \“ 2 | 1:0 | 10:1538162170 | 23:use   rname-localhost-8889 | 44:NWQzZWQwZDY3ZmMzNDAzm2I5NDI4ZWI5OTA5NTkwZDc = | d515096d015   d24b1e06638fa64fc2c7b145a17c411203fd4141733f0a7815b9a \“;   用户名localhost-8890   = \“ 2 | 1:0 | 10:1538162261 | 23:username-localhost-8890 | 44:YTU3NmY5MDczNzNmNGNjMTg1MzU   yYjkyODU3ZDE5Y2I = | 342bc9d819999a050780d4dbef1f9ade1e69fe3f52914132a9b897a0f3023a   f2 \“”       } [E 18:53:32.498 NotebookApp] 500 POST / api / sessions(:: 1)135.50ms Referer = http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Untitled.ipynb?kernel_name=python3 [I   18:55:32.687 NotebookApp]将文件保存在/Untitled.ipynb

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


conda install ipykernel


jupyter notebook

答案 1 :(得分:0)

conda activate new_env_name


source activate new_ene_name


答案 2 :(得分:0)

对于Windows 7不能说,但是对于Windows 10来说,请启动命令提示符,导航到所选目录,然后激活您的环境,例如:



activate my_env


或者,在Windows 10中,可以使用Windows商店中的本机Linux探索启动终端。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

不确定这是否对您有很大帮助,但如果您使用的是 Docker,您可以执行以下操作:

  1. 创建一个包含以下内容的 Dockerfile
FROM jupyter/datascience-notebook

RUN pip install -U pip


COPY --chown=${NB_UID}:${NB_GID} . /home/vishesh/work
WORKDIR /home/vishesh/work

CMD ["jupyter", "lab", "--ip=", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--notebook-dir=/home/vishesh/work", "--allow-root"]
  1. 创建 docker-compose.yml
version: '3.7'

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "8888:8888"
      - ./notebooks:/home/vishesh/work
  1. 两个文件应该在同一个文件夹中
  2. 在当前目录下依次打开PowerShell和下面的命令 docker-compose build docker-compose up
  3. 一旦所有服务开始出现在 PowerShell 窗口中运行。 转到您的浏览器并打开 http://localhost:8888


答案 4 :(得分:0)

激活新环境,然后安装 jupyter

conda install ipykernel
pip3 install jupyter

然后使用 conda 和 pip 安装所需的库以处理您的项目