
时间:2018-09-28 22:33:33

标签: c# .net json

我正在研究在Win 7上将Json Obejct反序列化到.net VS2015中的类。

public class1
    [JsonProperty(TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects)]
    public Class1 data1;
    public Class2 data2;

public abstract Class1 
    some functions


public subClass1 : Class1
        public string myData1 { get; set; }
        public string myData2 { get; set; }



var mo = MyObject as JObject;

ParentMyClass = mo.ToObject<MyClass>();

我知道不能实例化抽象类。 因此,subClass1(这是Class1的实现之一)被序列化。 但是,反序列化后,subClass1为空。


更新: 因为类的代码太复杂,所以我只是简化了逻辑。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

调用class StretchyHeaderLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout { var cache = [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]() override func prepare() { super.prepare() cache.removeAll() guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return } let sections = [Int](0..<collectionView.numberOfSections) for section in sections { let items = [Int](0..<collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: section)) for item in items { let indexPath = IndexPath(item: item, section: section) if let attribute = layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath) { cache.append(attribute) } } } if let header = layoutAttributesForSupplementaryView(ofKind: StretchyCollectionHeaderKind, at: IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0)) { cache.append(header) } } override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool { return true } override func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? { let visibleAttributes = cache.filter { rect.contains($0.frame) || rect.intersects($0.frame) } guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return visibleAttributes } // Find the header and stretch it while scrolling. guard let header = visibleAttributes.filter({ $0.representedElementKind == StretchyCollectionHeaderKind }).first else { return visibleAttributes } header.frame.origin.y = collectionView.contentOffset.y header.frame.size.height = headerHeight.home - collectionView.contentOffset.y header.frame.size.width = collectionView.frame.size.width return visibleAttributes } override func layoutAttributesForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? { let attributes = super.layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath as IndexPath)?.copy() as! UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes guard collectionView != nil else { return attributes } attributes.frame.origin.y = headerHeight.home + attributes.frame.origin.y return attributes } override func layoutAttributesForSupplementaryView(ofKind elementKind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? { return UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes(forSupplementaryViewOfKind: StretchyCollectionHeaderKind, with: indexPath) } override var collectionViewContentSize: CGSize { get { guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return .zero } let numberOfSections = collectionView.numberOfSections let lastSection = numberOfSections - 1 let numberOfItems = collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: lastSection) let lastItem = numberOfItems - 1 guard let lastCell = layoutAttributesForItem(at: IndexPath(item: lastItem, section: lastSection)) else { return .zero } return CGSize(width: collectionView.frame.width, height: lastCell.frame.maxY + sectionInset.bottom) } } } 时,Newtonsoft.Json库将尝试在该行下创建一个实例。问题是您无法实例化摘要。您可以通过在代码中的某个地方调用mo.ToObject<Class1>();来看到自己的情况。这会给你错误。


var x = new Class1();


public class NonAbstract : Class1 {}