
时间:2018-09-28 10:49:12

标签: concurrency embedded microcontroller race-condition 8051

我只是想用比较器输入(在下降沿)连续计算正弦信号的频率。有效目标频率约为〜122 Hz,我的实现大部分时间都在工作,但是有时它计算出的错误频率始终约为〜61Hz(这不可能,我用示波器对此进行了验证)。




一个计时器溢出= 1 /(1/8 MHz * 2 ^ 16 [位])= 122.0703125 Hz

我正在使用具有以下代码的8051微控制器(Silicon Labs C8051F121):

// defines 
#define PERIOD_TIMER_FREQ 8000000.0 // Timer 3 runs at 8MHz

#define TMR3_PAGE      0x01 /* TIMER 3 */
#define CP1F_VECTOR    12   /* comparator 1 falling edge */
#define TF3_VECTOR     14   /* timer3 reload timer   */

sfr TMR3CN        = 0xC8; /* TIMER 3 CONTROL */
sfr TMR3L         = 0xCC; /* TIMER 3 LOW BYTE */
sfr TMR3H         = 0xCD; /* TIMER 3 HIGH BYTE */

// global variables
volatile unsigned int xdata timer3_overflow_tmp; // temporary counter for the current period
volatile unsigned int xdata timer3_lastValue; // snapshot of the last timer value
volatile unsigned int xdata timer3_overflow; // current overflow counter, used in the main routine
volatile unsigned int xdata tempVar; // temporary variable
volatile unsigned long int xdata period; // the caluclated period
volatile float xdata period_in_SI; // calculated period in seconds
volatile float xdata frequency; // calculated frequency in Hertz

// Comparator 1 ISR has priority "high": EIP1 = 0x40
void comp1_falling_isr (void) interrupt CP1F_VECTOR
  TMR3CN &= 0xfb;      // stop timer 3

  timer3_lastValue = (unsigned int) TMR3H;
  timer3_lastValue <<= 8;
  timer3_lastValue |= (unsigned int) TMR3L;

  // check if timer 3 overflow is pending 
  if (TMR3CN & 0x80)
    timer3_overflow_tmp++; // increment overflow counter
    TMR3CN &= 0x7f; // Clear over flow flag. This will also clear a pending interrupt request.

  timer3_overflow = timer3_overflow_tmp;

  // Reset all the timer 3 values to zero
  TMR3H = 0;
  TMR3L = 0;
  timer3_overflow_tmp = 0;
  TMR3CN |= 0x04;     // restart timer 3

// Timer 3 ISR has priority "low", which means it can be interrupted by the
// comparator ISR: EIP2 = 0x00
// Timer 3 runs at 8MHz in 16 bit auto-reload mode
void timer3_isr(void) interrupt TF3_VECTOR using 2
  TMR3CN &= 0x7f; // Clear over flow flag. This will also clear a pending interrupt request.

void main(void)

calcFrequencyLabel: // this goto label is a kind of synchronization mechanism
                    // and is used to prevent race conditions caused by the ISRs
                    // which invalidates the current copied timer values

    tempVar = timer3_lastValue;
    period  = (unsigned long int)timer3_overflow;
    period  <<= 16;
    period  |= (unsigned long int)timer3_lastValue;

    // If both values are not equal, a race condition has been occured.
    // Therefore the the current time values are invalid and needs to be dropped.
    if (tempVar != timer3_lastValue) 
      goto calcFrequencyLabel;

    // Caluclate period in seconds
    period_in_SI = (float) period / PERIOD_TIMER_FREQ;

    // Caluclate period in Hertz
    frequency = 1 / period_in_SI; // Should be always stable about ~122Hz



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



绝对没有理由在这里需要使用浮点数。而且也可能避免使用32位变量。您应尽可能使用uint8_t,并避免使用unsigned int。您的C代码不需要知道以秒为单位的时间或以Hz为单位的频率,而只需关心计时器周期的数量。

在ISR和main之间或在两个具有不同优先级的不同ISR之间共享的每个变量都必须受到保护,以免出现竞争状况。这意味着您必须确保原子访问或使用某种方式的保护机制。在这种情况下,您可能只使用"poor man's mutex" bool标志。另一种选择是更改为8位变量,并在嵌入式汇编器中编写访问它的代码。通常,您无法在8位内核的unsigned int上进行原子访问。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

对于低频正弦信号,它具有较慢的边沿,并且输入中的磁滞不足(默认值为 none ),对于上升沿来说,只需要一点噪声即可下降沿并导致一半的频率。
