
时间:2018-09-26 16:45:47

标签: batch-file move





我还要将原始源结构也复制到新结构。例如,如果我在.mkv中有一个d:\star trek\movie1\a.mkv文件,我希望先拥有e:\movies\star trek\movie1\a.mkv,然后拥有d:\star trek\movie1\a.lnk.lnk应链接到驱动器e:上文件夹中的已移动文件。




@echo off
set /p type= File type?
dir *.type > list.txt


我在How to copy a directory structure but only include certain files (using windows batch files)处找到了一些代码,我只是在学习它。我已经写下了这种简单的适应方法,但是我不明白为什么最后一个回声没有输出我想要的结果,例如整个目标路径和文件名。我一定在做我知道的蠢事!

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set SOURCE_DIR=K:\source
set DEST_DIR=K:\dest

    if exist "%%F" (
        echo source: %%F
        set FILE_DIR=%%~dpF
        set FILE_NAME_EXT=%%~nxF
        set FILE_DIR
        set FILE_NAME_EXT
        xcopy /S /I /Y /V "%%F" "%DEST_DIR%!FILE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR!"
        echo destination "%DEST_DIR%!FILE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR%FILE_NAME_EXT!"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对于下面的批处理文件,从add additional resource directories下载很小的ZIP文件 Shortcut.zip ,将ZIP文件解压缩到一个临时目录,并读取此免费软件实用程序的文件Shortcut.exe并将@echo off setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion if not exist "%~dp0Shortcut.exe" ( echo ERROR: Missing Shortcut.exe in "%~dp0". goto EndBatch ) :GetExtension set "FileExt=" set /P "FileExt=Enter file extension: " rem Has the user not entered any string? if not defined FileExt goto GetExtension rem Remove all double quotes. set "FileExt=%FileExt:"=%" rem Is there nothing left after removing double quotes? if not defined FileExt goto GetExtension rem Is the first character a dot, then remove it. if "%FileExt:~0,1%" == "." set "FileExt=%FileExt:~1%" rem Is there nothing left after removing the dot? if not defined FileExt goto GetExtension rem Does the entered file extension string contain a rem character which is not allowed in a file extension? set "TempVar=" for /F "eol=| delims=*./:<>?\|" %%I in ("%FileExt%") do set "TempVar=%%I" if not "%TempVar%" == "%FileExt%" goto GetExtension rem Don't allow moving *.lnk shortcut files. if /I "%FileExt%" == "lnk" goto GetExtension :GetSourcePath set "SourcePath=%~dp0" set /P "SourcePath=Enter source path: " set "SourcePath=%SourcePath:"=%" if not defined SourcePath goto GetSourcePath rem Replace all forward slashes by backslashes. set "SourcePath=%SourcePath:/=\%" rem Remove a trailing backslash. if "%SourcePath:~-1%" == "\" set "SourcePath=%SourcePath:~0,-1%" rem Recreate the environment variable if the entered source directory path rem was just a backslash to reference root directory of current drive. if not defined SourcePath set "SourcePath=\" rem Does the entered source path string contain a rem character which is not allowed in a folder path? set "TempVar=" for /F "eol=| delims=*<>?|" %%I in ("%SourcePath%") do set "TempVar=%%I" if not "%TempVar%" == "%SourcePath%" goto GetSourcePath rem Determine full qualified source folder path. for %%I in ("%SourcePath%") do set "SourcePath=%%~fI" rem Remove once again a trailing backslash which can occur rem if the source folder is the root folder of a drive. if "%SourcePath:~-1%" == "\" set "SourcePath=%SourcePath:~0,-1%" rem The source directory must exist. if not exist "%SourcePath%\" ( echo/ echo ERROR: Source directory "%SourcePath%" does not exist. echo/ goto GetSourcePath ) :GetTargetPath set "TargetPath=" set /P "TargetPath=Enter target path: " if not defined TargetPath goto GetTargetPath set "TargetPath=%TargetPath:"=%" if not defined TargetPath goto GetTargetPath rem Replace all forward slashes by backslashes. set "TargetPath=%TargetPath:/=\%" rem Remove a trailing backslash. if "%TargetPath:~-1%" == "\" set "TargetPath=%TargetPath:~0,-1%" rem Recreate the environment variable if the entered target directory path rem was just a backslash to reference root directory of current drive. if not defined TargetPath set "TargetPath=\" rem Does the entered target path string contain a rem character which is not allowed in a folder path? set "TempVar=" for /F "eol=| delims=*<>?|" %%I in ("%TargetPath%") do set "TempVar=%%I" if not "%TempVar%" == "%TargetPath%" goto GetTargetPath rem Determine full qualified target folder path. for %%I in ("%TargetPath%") do set "TargetPath=%%~fI" rem Remove once again a trailing backslash which can occur rem if the target folder is the root folder of a drive. if "%TargetPath:~-1%" == "\" set "TargetPath=%TargetPath:~0,-1%" rem Is the target path identical to source folder path? if /I "%SourcePath%" == "%TargetPath%" ( echo/ echo ERROR: Target path cannot be the source path. echo/ goto GetTargetPath ) rem Does the specified target folder exist? if exist "%TargetPath%\" goto GetPathLength rem Ask user if target folder should be created or not. echo/ echo ERROR: Folder "%TargetPath%" does not exist. echo/ %SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C YN /N /M "Create path (Y/N)? " echo/ if errorlevel 2 goto GetTargetPath md "%TargetPath%" 2>nul if exist "%TargetPath%\" goto GetPathLength echo ERROR: Could not create "%TargetPath%". echo/ goto GetTargetPath rem Determine length of source path (path of batch file). :GetPathLength setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "PathLength=0" :GetLength if not "!SourcePath:~%PathLength%!" == "" set /A "PathLength+=1" & goto GetLength rem For the additional backslash after source folder path. set /A PathLength+=1 endlocal & set "PathLength=%PathLength%" rem Move the non-hidden files with matching file extension with exception rem of the batch file and Shortcut.exe. Use FOR /F with a DIR command line rem instead of FOR /R to get this code working also on FAT32 and ExFAT rem drives and when target folder is a subfolder of the batch file. set "FileCount=0" for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%SourcePath%\*.%FileExt%" /A-D-H /B /S 2^>nul') do if /I not "%%I" == "%~f0" if /I not "%%I" == "%~dp0Shortcut.exe" call :MoveFile "%%I" set "PluralS=s" if %FileCount% == 1 set "PluralS=" echo Moved %FileCount% file%PluralS%. goto EndBatch :MoveFile rem Do not move a file on which there is already a shortcut file rem with same file name in source directory because then it would rem not be possible to create a shortcut file for the moved file. if exist "%~dpn1.lnk" goto :EOF rem Get entire path of source file and remove path of batch file. set "SourceFilePath=%~dp1" call set "RelativePath=%%SourceFilePath:~%PathLength%%%" rem Create target file path for this file. set "TargetFilePath=%TargetPath%\%RelativePath%" echo TargetFilePath=%TargetFilePath% rem Remove trailing backslash if there is one. if "%TargetFilePath:~-1%" == "\" set "TargetFilePath=%TargetFilePath:~0,-1%" rem Create the target folder independent on its existence rem and verify if the target folder really exists finally. md "%TargetFilePath%" 2>nul if not exist "%TargetFilePath%\" ( echo ERROR: Could not create folder "%TargetFilePath%". goto :EOF ) rem Move the file to target folder and verify if that was really successful. rem On error remove a just created target folder not containing a file. move /Y %1 "%TargetFilePath%\" 2>nul if errorlevel 1 ( rd "%TargetFilePath%" 2>nul echo ERROR: Could not move file %1. goto :EOF ) rem Create the shortcut file in source directory of moved file. "%~dp0Shortcut.exe" /F:"%~dpn1.lnk" /A:C /T:"%TargetFilePath%\%~nx1" /W:"%TargetFilePath%" /R:1 >nul set /A FileCount+=1 goto :EOF :EndBatch endlocal pause 移到与批处理文件相同的文件夹中。


call /?



  • choice /?
  • dir /?
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • md /?
  • move /?
  • rd /?
  • rem /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?
  • {{1}}
