
时间:2018-09-25 18:29:11

标签: git github gitlab command-line-interface

我在本地做了一些工作-> git add-> git commit-> git push origin master,其中master是上游master的一个分叉的仓库:

$ git remote -v
origin  https://gitlab.my-company/me/repo-name.git (fetch)
origin  https://gitlab.my-company/me/repo-name.git (push)
upstream        https://gitlab.my-company/team/repo-name.git (fetch)
upstream        https://gitlab.my-company/team/repo-name.git (push)

当我git push origin master时,我的git bash终端中的结果看起来足够成功:

$ git push origin master
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://gitlab.my-company/me/repo-name.git
   5bacf635..fbdfebe7  master -> master


我尝试在我的祖籍上推广到新的分支机构。 (例如git push origin splash)。当我这样做时,出现以下错误:src refspec splash不匹配任何内容。并且,尽管确实在GitLab中创建了分支,但分支中的工作并未反映出我所做的任何新工作。 (同样,最新的提交出现在一周之内)。


此jpeg总结了我们的一般工作流程: My general workflow


这是git log:

 $ git log
    commit b6c2beb9e8f94a4f104a471a0edc9b8fbc7bea2e (HEAD -> activeDirectory, origin/activeDirectory)
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 08:31:17 2018 -0700

        debug version control this is a test

    commit 9d0c32af97f8757b2c352f70ac4d47d32ea2100e
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:59:18 2018 -0700

        update title from TDS Server to API

    commit e80d98113d55b2eec5a84a675b3e6dd99937ed67
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:48:32 2018 -0700

        add hostname endpoint to server to support client request for server name

    commit c721eec34b31470b458dbbc76ca0c42a8a5ecfd4
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:46:13 2018 -0700

        update App.jsx to request hostname and display it using componentWillMount

    commit 765abfe0c8cbfd243c83558237b311e1c85b2727
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:45:09 2018 -0700

        add bundle.js to gitignore

    commit fbdfebe7299c3c99b930b1b3ada2f5ebd28f4fbe (upstream/master, origin/solution, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
    Merge: f563a96f 16069b7c
    Author: Grant b <bob.b@myemail.com>
    Date:   Thu Sep 20 19:18:27 2018 -0700

        Merge branch 'master' into 'master'

        adjusting date incrementer function

        See merge request SA-SM/repo-name!18

    commit 16069b7c9e6f819e7bf3f9e38bb37f89d81a1c37
    Author: bob b <chq-bobb@corp.myemail.com>
    Date:   Thu Sep 20 19:17:09 2018 -0700

    commit b6c2beb9e8f94a4f104a471a0edc9b8fbc7bea2e (HEAD -> activeDirectory, origin/activeDirectory)
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 08:31:17 2018 -0700

        debug version control this is a test

    commit 9d0c32af97f8757b2c352f70ac4d47d32ea2100e
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:59:18 2018 -0700

        update title from TDS Server to API

    commit e80d98113d55b2eec5a84a675b3e6dd99937ed67
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:48:32 2018 -0700

        add hostname endpoint to server to support client request for server name

    commit c721eec34b31470b458dbbc76ca0c42a8a5ecfd4
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:46:13 2018 -0700

        update App.jsx to request hostname and display it using componentWillMount

    commit 765abfe0c8cbfd243c83558237b311e1c85b2727
    Author: Mike Lastname <mike@myemail.com>
    Date:   Tue Sep 25 07:45:09 2018 -0700

        add bundle.js to gitignore

    commit fbdfebe7299c3c99b930b1b3ada2f5ebd28f4fbe (upstream/master, origin/solution, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
    Merge: f563a96f 16069b7c
    Author: bob b <bob.b@myemail.com>
    Date:   Thu Sep 20 19:18:27 2018 -0700

        Merge branch 'master' into 'master'

        adjusting date incrementer function

        See merge request SA-SM/repo-name!18

    commit 16069b7c9e6f819e7bf3f9e38bb37f89d81a1c37
    Author: bob b <chq-grantb@corp.myemail.com>
    Date:   Thu Sep 20 19:17:09 2018 -0700

        adjusting date incrementer function


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