
时间:2018-09-25 10:21:44

标签: php mysql sql-server codeigniter cron


这是执行此操作的一个函数: 此函数获取MSSQL数据并准备要保存的最终数组。然后,将数组返回到控制器,并将其保存在另一个模型函数中。

function get_international_manifests(){
    $query = "SELECT CAST(a.TransDate as DATE) AS TransDate, b.InvoiceNumber, b.OfficeCode, o.CountryCode, b.CustCountry, b.CustFName + ' ' + b.CustLName AS Sender,
    b.BeneFName + ' ' + b.BeneLName AS Consignee, a.RecordID, CASE WHEN b.CustEmail1 IS NULL THEN b.CustEmail2 ELSE b.CustEmail1 END AS Email,
    CASE WHEN b.CustPhone1 IS NULL THEN b.CustPhone2 ELSE b.CustPhone1 END AS Phone, a.StageID, b.ShippingType
    FROM BoxesUpdateLog a JOIN Cargo_Transactions b ON a.InvoiceNumber=b.InvoiceNumber
    LEFT JOIN [CARGODB].[dbo].[Cargo_Offices] o ON b.OfficeCode = o.OfficeCode
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT InvoiceNumber, StageID, RecordID FROM [CARGODB].[dbo].[CQ_SMS_API] sms WHERE a.InvoiceNumber = sms.InvoiceNumber AND sms.StageID = 'LOADCNTNR' AND sms.RecordID = a.RecordID) AND a.StageID = 'LOADCNTNR' AND a.Deleted = 0 
    AND CAST(a.TransDate AS DATE) = CAST(GETDATE() as DATE) AND CASE WHEN b.CustPhone1 IS NULL THEN b.CustPhone2 ELSE b.CustPhone1 END IS NOT NULL
    AND b.ShippingType = 'SEA' 
    AND o.CountryCode = 'US' AND CASE WHEN b.CustPhone1 IS NULL THEN b.CustPhone2 ELSE b.CustPhone1 END NOT LIKE '%[A-Z,a-z]%' AND LEN(CASE WHEN b.CustPhone1 IS NULL THEN b.CustPhone2 ELSE b.CustPhone1 END) >= 10 ORDER BY TransDate DESC";

    $conn = $this->delphi_connect();
    $rs = sqlsrv_query($conn,$query);
    if (!$rs)  { throw new Exception('Unable to connect to delphi');}

    $row_count = sqlsrv_has_rows($rs);

    if($row_count === true){
        if ($rs)  {
            while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($rs, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $ret[] = $row;
        foreach($ret AS $ret_data){
            $record_ids[] = $ret_data['RecordID'];

        $imploded_record_ids = "'".implode("','", $record_ids)."'";

        $check_query = "SELECT `record_id` FROM `cq_message_queue` WHERE `record_id` IN (".$imploded_record_ids.")"; // AND `Remarks` = 'LOADCNTNR'
        $existing_record_id = $this->eli_db->query($check_query)->result_array();

        $count_existing_record_id = count($existing_record_id);

        if($existing_record_id && $count_existing_record_id > 0){
            $rec_id_arr = array();
            foreach($existing_record_id AS $existing_record_id_data){
                $rec_id_arr[] = $existing_record_id_data['record_id'];

            foreach($ret as $key => $record) {
                if(in_array($record['RecordID'], $rec_id_arr)) {
            $ret = array_values($ret);

        if(count($ret) > 0){
            $ret['result'] = 'with_data';
        } else if(count($ret) == 0){
            $ret['result'] = 'no_data';
    } else {
        $ret['result'] = 'no_data';
    return  $ret;


function save_to_queue($ret, $remarks){
    set_time_limit(0); // Disable time limit to allow enough time to process a large dataset
    $this->eli_db->where('Remarks', $remarks);
    $existing_record_id = $this->eli_db->get('cq_message_queue')->result_array();

        $record_id_arr = array();
        foreach($existing_record_id AS $existing_data){
            $record_id_arr[] = $existing_data['record_id'];
        //remove all data with equal record id's above
        $start_count = 0;
        $ret_count = count($ret);
            $filtered = array_filter($ret, function($sql_data) use ($record_id_arr){
                return !in_array($sql_data['RecordID'], $record_id_arr);
        } else {
            $filtered = 0;
    } else {
        $filtered = '';

    if($filtered != '' && $filtered != 0){
        $ret = array_values($filtered);
    } else {
        $ret = $ret;

    $us_arr = array();
    $us_arr_record_id = array();
        foreach($ret AS $us_customers_data){
            //check in order table if exists
            $this->eli_db->from('orders o');
            $this->eli_db->where('o.BoxNumber', $us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber']);
            $this->eli_db->join('users u','o.CustomerID = u.id','left');
            $get_sms_optin = $this->eli_db->get()->row();

                //check in cq_order_items if exists
                // /SELECT o.`CustomerID`,CASE WHEN o.`CustomerID` > 0 THEN 2 ELSE o.`sms_optin` END AS sms_optin FROM `cq_order_items` i LEFT JOIN `cq_orders` o ON i.`OrderID` = o.`ID` WHERE i.`BoxNumber` = 'WSX256480'
                $this->eli_db->select('`o`.`CustomerID`,(CASE WHEN `o`.`CustomerID` > 0 THEN 2 ELSE `o`.`sms_optin` END) AS `sms_optin`');
                $this->eli_db->from('cq_order_items i');
                $this->eli_db->where('i.BoxNumber', $us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber']);
                $this->eli_db->join('cq_orders o','i.OrderID = o.ID','left');
                $cq_get_sms_optin = $this->eli_db->get()->row();
                //if logged in
                    if($cq_get_sms_optin->CustomerID > 0 && $cq_get_sms_optin->sms_optin == 2){
                        $this->eli_db->where('id', $cq_get_sms_optin->CustomerID);
                        $user_sms_optin = $this->eli_db->get('users')->row();
                        $sms_optin = intval($user_sms_optin->sms_optin);
                    //if guest
                    } else {
                        $sms_optin = intval($cq_get_sms_optin->sms_optin);
                } else {
                    $sms_optin = intval(1);
            } else {
                $sms_optin = intval($get_sms_optin->sms_optin);

            $mobile = preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $us_customers_data['Phone']);
            if($us_customers_data['CustCountry'] != ''){
                if(preg_match('/^(09|\+639)\d{9}$/', $us_customers_data['Phone']) || strtoupper($us_customers_data['CustCountry']) == 'PH')
                    $mobile = $this->format_ph_number($mobile);
                    $app = 'globe_api';
                } else {
                    if(strtoupper($us_customers_data['CustCountry']) == 'US'){
                        $mobile = preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $us_customers_data['Phone']);
                        $mobile = $this->format_us_number($mobile);
                    $app = 'ringcentral_api';
            } else {
                if(preg_match('/^(09|\+639)\d{9}$/', $us_customers_data['Phone']))
                    $mobile = $this->format_ph_number($mobile);
                    $app = 'globe_api';
                } else {
                    $mobile = preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $us_customers_data['Phone']);
                    $mobile = $this->format_us_number($mobile);
                    $app = 'ringcentral_api';
            $date_to_use = date_create('now Etc/UTC');
            $date_to_use_formatted = $date_to_use->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            if($us_customers_data['StageID'] == 'TRANSITRCV' || $us_customers_data['StageID'] == 'ORGNSCN'){
                $action = 'received';
                $message = 'received in our Forex US warehouse. You may check the status here: http://forexcargo.us/trackmybox/';
            } elseif ($us_customers_data['StageID'] == 'UNLOADED') {
                $action = 'unloaded';
                $message = "Your package ".html_escape($us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber'])." has arrived at our Manila warehouse for processing.\n\nFollow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forexcargoinc/";
            } elseif ($us_customers_data['StageID'] == 'LOADCNTNR') {
                $action = 'loaded international';
                $message = "​Your package ".html_escape($us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber'])." has been loaded for ocean transit.\n\nVisit forexcargo.us. Download our box pick-up/tracking app at forexcargo.us/upgrades";
            elseif ($us_customers_data['StageID'] == 'LOADEDLOCM') {
                $action = 'loaded local';
                $message = 'loaded for transit to the Philippines. You may check the status here: http://forexcargo.us/trackmybox/';
            elseif ($us_customers_data['StageID'] == 'D') {
                $action = 'delivered';
                $message = "​Your package ".html_escape($us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber'])." has been delivered. Thank you for choosing Forex/eShip.\n\nFor future pickups, download our box pick-up/tracking app at forexcargo.us/upgrades";
            if($app == 'ringcentral_api'){
                if($mobile != '10000000000'){
                    $us_arr[]= array(
                        'FromApps' => $app,
                        'InvoicecNumber' => $us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber'],
                        'sender_name' => $us_customers_data['Sender'],
                        'sender_phone_number' => $mobile,
                        'sender_original_number' => $us_customers_data['Phone'],
                        'consignee_name' => $us_customers_data['Consignee'],
                        'consignee_phone_number' => $mobile,
                        'consignee_original_number' => $us_customers_data['Phone'],
                        'To_' => $us_customers_data['Email'],
                        'country_code' => $us_customers_data['CustCountry'],
                        'Subject' => 'Your Forex Box#'.html_escape($us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber']).' has been '.html_escape($action).'.',
                        'Message' => html_escape($message),
                        'DateCreated' => $date_to_use_formatted,
                        'CreatedBy' => 15,
                        'status' => 'queue',
                        'Remarks' => $us_customers_data['StageID'],
                        'record_id' => $us_customers_data['RecordID'],
                        'sms_optin' => html_escape($sms_optin)
                    $us_arr_record_id[] = $us_customers_data['RecordID'];
            if($app == 'globe_api'){
                if($mobile != '+630000000000'){
                    $us_arr[]= array(
                        'FromApps' => $app,
                        'InvoicecNumber' => $us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber'],
                        'sender_name' => $us_customers_data['Sender'],
                        'sender_phone_number' => $mobile,
                        'sender_original_number' => $us_customers_data['Phone'],
                        'consignee_name' => $us_customers_data['Consignee'],
                        'consignee_phone_number' => $mobile,
                        'consignee_original_number' => $us_customers_data['Phone'],
                        'To_' => $us_customers_data['Email'],
                        'country_code' => $us_customers_data['CustCountry'],
                        'Subject' => 'Your Forex Box#'.html_escape($us_customers_data['InvoiceNumber']).' has been '.html_escape($action).'.',
                        'Message' => html_escape($message),
                        'DateCreated' => $date_to_use_formatted,
                        'CreatedBy' => 15,
                        'status' => 'queue',
                        'Remarks' => $us_customers_data['StageID'],
                        'record_id' => $us_customers_data['RecordID'],
                        'sms_optin' => html_escape($sms_optin)
                    $us_arr_record_id[] = $us_customers_data['RecordID'];


DELETE FROM cq_message_queue
WHERE record_id IN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT MIN(q.id) FROM cq_message_queue q WHERE q.FromApps IN('ringcentral_api','globe_api') GROUP BY q.record_id, q.sent_to, q.InvoicecNumber, q.Remarks) x)


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