我需要使用gnoplot linux做一个图形,其中在x轴上有一个日期,在y轴上有ok,ko和警告值。 我编写了以下代码
unset title
set xlabel "Date (day/month)"
set ylabel "num Instance"
set yrange [0:40]
set term png large
set output "graph2.png"
set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt "%d/%m"
set format x "%d/%m"
plot \
'input.dat' using 1:2 with points pointtype 11 linecolor rgb "#00FF00" ti 'OK',\
'input.dat' using 1:3 with points pointtype 11 linecolor rgb "#ff0000" ti 'KO',\
'input.dat' using 1:4 with points pointtype 3 linecolor rgb "#ffed00" ti 'Warning'
#date ok ko warning
06/02 1 30 3
07/02 5 14 16
08/02 30 15 14
09/02 9 14 9
10/02 7 30 3
11/02 2 7 21
12/02 30 12 15
13/02 10 15 14
14/02 24 14 16
15/02 20 12 15
有什么主意吗? 感谢您的帮助,并预先感谢