Dim header_arr(6) As String
Dim header_arr_2(4) As String
header_arr(0) = "esn"
header_arr(1) = "vin"
header_arr(2) = "last gps update time"
header_arr(3) = "status"
header_arr(4) = "account name"
header_arr(5) = "vehicle #"
header_arr_2(0) = "esn"
header_arr_2(1) = "vin"
header_arr_2(2) = "last gps update time"
header_arr_2(3) = "status"
header_arr_2(4) = "vehicle #"
Dim header_arr
header_arr = Array("esn", "vin", "last gps update time", "status", "account name", "vehicle #")
' Function call with this first Array
header_arr = Array("esn", "vin", "last gps update time", "status", "vehicle #")
' Function call with this second Array
答案 0 :(得分:1)
但更重要的一课:字符串处理本身(这是一个相当简单的过程,包含一个字符串和数字)消耗了75%的运行时-因此数组本身的数据类型并不重要。 / p>
一个额外的说明:通过引用将数组传递给子例程1000次是如此之快,以至于我无法测量它。 val传递它杀死了我的擅长领域。但是,按值传递数组几乎可以确保您绝对不希望这样做。
Option Explicit
Private mlngStart As Long
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Const size = 3000000
Dim startTime As Long
Public Sub StartTimer()
startTime = GetTickCount
End Sub
Public Function EndTimer() As Long
EndTimer = (GetTickCount - startTime)
End Function
Sub b1()
Dim i As Long
Dim s(size)
For i = 1 To size
s(i) = "ABC"
Next i
Debug.Print "untyped, size = " & size, EndTimer
End Sub
Sub b2()
Dim i As Long
Dim s(size) As String
For i = 1 To size
s(i) = "ABC"
Next i
Debug.Print "as string, size = " & size, EndTimer
End Sub
untyped, size = 3000000 312
untyped, size = 3000000 313
untyped, size = 3000000 313
untyped, size = 3000000 297
untyped, size = 3000000 313
as string, size = 3000000 328
as string, size = 3000000 313
as string, size = 3000000 328
as string, size = 3000000 344
as string, size = 3000000 313
我将分配更改为s(i) = "ABC" & i
untyped, size = 3000000 922
untyped, size = 3000000 953
untyped, size = 3000000 938
untyped, size = 3000000 1015
untyped, size = 3000000 953
as string, size = 3000000 1140
as string, size = 3000000 1156
as string, size = 3000000 1157
as string, size = 3000000 1125
as string, size = 3000000 1125