
时间:2018-09-24 05:47:47

标签: c# visio


Visio.Master ConnectionMaster = _masters.get_ItemU(connectorShapeName);
Visio.Shape Connector = _activePage.Drop(ConnectionMaster, 1, 1);

// get the start cell of connector
var b1 = (short) Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject;
var b2 = (short) Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowXForm1D;
var b3 = (short) Visio.VisCellIndices.vis1DBeginX;
Visio.Cell beginXCell = Connector.get_CellsSRC(b1, b2, b3);

// and the end one
var e1 = (short) Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject;
var e2 = (short) Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowXForm1D;
var e3 = (short) Visio.VisCellIndices.vis1DEndX;
Visio.Cell endXCell = Connector.get_CellsSRC(e1, e2, e3);

// get start point from first shape
var bt1 = (short) Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject;
var bt2 = (short) Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowXFormOut;
var bt3 = (short) Visio.VisCellIndices.visXFormPinX;
var toBegin = fromShape.get_CellsSRC(bt1, bt2, bt3);

// get start point of second shape
var et1 = (short) Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject;
var et2 = (short) Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowXFormOut;
var et3 = (short) Visio.VisCellIndices.visXFormPinX;
var toEnd = toShape.get_CellsSRC(et1, et2, et3);

// connect 


Visio.Master shapeToDrop = _masters.get_ItemU(name);
Visio.Shape shape = _activePage.Drop(shapeToDrop, x, y);


var shape = _activePage.DropIntoList(shapeToDrop, target, position);

我收到错误:“发生异常。” 在此代码中:

var toBegin = fromShape.get_CellsSRC(bt1, bt2, bt3);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


# convert to data.table
# order, group, filter
df[order(stopSequence)][, .SD[c(1, .N)], by = id]

   id stopId stopSequence
1:  1      a            1
2:  1      c            3
3:  2      b            1
4:  2      c            4
5:  3      b            1
6:  3      a            3

您可能应该进行快速检查,以阅读项目形状中的void Main() { //Run this code against a blank drawing in Visio var vApp = MyExtensions.GetRunningVisio(); var vDoc = vApp.ActiveDocument; var stencilDoc = vDoc.Application.Documents.OpenEx("wfctrl_m.vssx", (short)Visio.VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenRO + (short)Visio.VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked); var vPag = vApp.ActivePage; var diagramServices = vDoc.DiagramServicesEnabled; vDoc.DiagramServicesEnabled = (int)Visio.VisDiagramServices.visServiceVersion140 + (int)Visio.VisDiagramServices.visServiceVersion150; var shpList = vPag.Drop(stencilDoc.Masters.ItemU["List box"], 2.25, 9.5); var itemMaster = stencilDoc.Masters.ItemU["List box item"]; // Drop two items in - this works because the item // shapes have the correct required categories ('Grid') vPag.DropIntoList(itemMaster, shpList, 1); vPag.DropIntoList(itemMaster, shpList, 1); // Now set the list's required categories to someting else shpList.CellsU["User.msvSDListRequiredCategories"].FormulaU = $"\"Bob\""; // Note an error is thrown here because the list item being // inserted does not contain the category 'Bob' try { vPag.DropIntoList(itemMaster, shpList, 1); } catch (COMException ex) when (ex.ErrorCode == -2032465763) { //Inappropriate source object for this action. Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Message} - check matching categories in List and ListItem shapes"); } vDoc.DiagramServicesEnabled = diagramServices; } 单元格,然后检查它们是否在列表形状(User.msvShapeCategories)中所需的类别中。有关更多详细信息,请参见此帖子的“ 控制容器成员身份”部分:Custom Containers, Lists and Callouts in Visio 2010

