Laravel 5.6:POST路由的分页会在所有链接上提供空白页面

时间:2018-09-23 18:15:53

标签: php laravel laravel-5.6

我有一个与post方法配合使用的搜索表单,但是问题是分页链接不起作用。除第一页外,其他所有页面均为空白页。我在某处读到过分页不适用于POST方法。 但是,当我更改表单并路由到“ get”方法时,即使在第一页上,我也会得到空白页。什么都不会显示。




<form method="get" class="form-horizontal" action="{{action('ReportsController@search')}}">
    <!--  {{csrf_field()}} used only with POST-->
    <input type="text" name="search" id="search">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> Submit</button>


public function search(Request $request)
    $showData = sys_data::paginate(10);
    return view('reports-data-view', compact('showData'));




2 个答案:

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import itertools
from collections import defaultdict

n = 10
print("Number of Tetris pieces up to size", n)

# Times:
# n is number of blocks
# - Python O(exp(n)^2): 10 blocks 2.5m
# - Python O(exp(n)): 10 blocks 2.5s, 11 blocks 10.9s, 12 block 33s, 13 blocks 141s (800MB memory)
# - Other implementation:

smallest_piece = [(0, 0)]  # We represent a piece as a list of block positions
pieces_of_size = {
  1: [smallest_piece],

# Returns a list of all possible pieces made by adding one block to given piece
def possible_expansions(piece):
    # No flatMap in Python 2/3:
    positions = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
         [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)] for (x, y) in piece
    # Time complexity O(n^2) can be improved
    # For each valid position, append to piece
    expansions = []
    for p in positions:
        if not p in piece:
            expansions.append(piece + [p])
    return expansions

def rotate_90_cw(piece):
    return [(y, -x) for (x, y) in piece]

def canonical(piece):
    min_x = min(x for (x, y) in piece)
    min_y = min(y for (x, y) in piece)
    res = sorted((x - min_x, y - min_y) for (x, y) in piece)
    return res

def hash_piece(piece):
    return hash(tuple(piece))

def expand_pieces(pieces):
    expanded = []
    #  332322396: [[(1,0), (0,-1)], [...]],
    #  323200700000: [[(1,0), (0,-2)]]
    # Multimap because two different pieces can happen to have the same hash
    expanded_hashes = defaultdict(list)
    for piece in pieces:
        for e in possible_expansions(piece):
            exp = canonical(e)
            is_new = True
            if exp in expanded_hashes[hash_piece(exp)]:
                is_new = False
            for rotation in range(3):
                exp = canonical(rotate_90_cw(exp))
                if exp in expanded_hashes[hash_piece(exp)]:
                    is_new = False
            if is_new:
    return expanded

for i in range(2, n + 1):
    pieces_of_size[i] = expand_pieces(pieces_of_size[i - 1])
    print("Pieces with {} blocks: {}".format(i, len(pieces_of_size[i])))

答案 1 :(得分:0)


实际上,由于GET链接是/ reports / search,因此默认情况下该请求将进入控制器的“ show($ id)”函数,因为该请求将链接中的“ research”作为参数。

我所做的就是,将路由更改为“ / reports / search / view”,它开始工作并转到ReportsController中正确的自定义函数“ search()”。