我的Wamp服务器图标当前为橙色,这意味着3台服务器中只有2台正在运行。我无法打开我的phpmyadmin页面,因为它给出了404 not found错误。如果右键单击底部的wamp图标,则会显示错误消息:PATH中的C:/ wamp64或PHP。如果单击此错误,则会出现命令提示符窗口,显示以下内容:-
There is an error.
There is Wampserver path (c:/wamp64)
into Windows PATH environnement variable: (C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.2.4)
It seems that a PHP installation is declared in the environment variable
Wampserver does not use, modify or require the PATH environment variable.
Using a PATH on Wampserver or PHP version
is detrimental to the proper functioning of Wampserver.
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